Today I want to share with you how you can help your local cat shelter with Litter for Good. The photo above of our little “Cross” was shared with the world a few months ago, but don’t let that innocent (albeit cute) face fool you, Cross is a mini terror who enjoys terrorizing his fellow siblings, but he’s also the love of our lives and we wouldn’t trade him for the world. However, he is also NOT the only cat in our household. There is also Stripes (pictured below, who belongs to my eldest), and Kitty.
We have always had a love for cats. I grew up with cats, and living in a small apartment in NY wasn’t conducive to a big animal, I also didn’t want the burden of walking a pet because working full time, also being a full time student, mother and wife, there really wasn’t much time for myself. My kids had been asking for a pet for quite some time and we resolved to get ourselves a cat. I loved the idea of having a cat at home who was independent. If you haven’t noticed, cats are like toddlers who pretend they don’t need you and can do it all by themselves. Generally that’s true until they’re hungry (and Cross loves to show us how hungry he is by laying on his food bowl), or need their litterchanged.
Speaking of litter, I was recently introduced to Cat’s Pride® Fresh & Light Ultimate Care® litter by a friend. Cat’s Pride Fresh & Light cat litter has amazing odor control for our multi-cat household. I hate walking into a home and knowing that there’s a cat in the house before actually seeing him or her. The low dust is awesome because coughing while pouring your litter is not something that you want to do either, and let’s talk about the clumping action. It is off the charts! It makes cleaning their litter box a breeze.
Now my friend knew that I am always willing and able to lend a helping hand to cat shelters, and there was a great reason for her telling me to purchase Cat’s Pride Light & Fresh cat litter and I’ll soon share that with you…but first, a little back story. Our first cat Snowflake who lived with us for many years, traveled around the country and made her way to our final duty station here in Colorado, was adopted at the local shelter in New York. She was a constant companion up until the day she passed away right before Madison was a year old. When Madison was born, she wouldn’t allow anyone to touch Madison, besides her favorite human Kristal (my oldest daughter) and we would laugh that she was her bodyguard. Madison would pull on her tail and sit on her, and she tolerated it with the patience of an adult realizing that a baby didn’t truly understand what she was doing.
There are so many cats in shelters today, and I’m always heartbroken whenever we visit, and while I wish I could adopt them all, unfortunately, it’s not possible. However, I can help out in so many other ways and try to do that as much as possible. Here are 3 easy ways you too can support your local cat shelter.

1. Volunteer
Animal shelters are generally understaffed, and if you have ever visited you can see that. They encourage volunteers, even if it’s just for an hour or two a week, and it can make a world of a difference. Whatever time you can give, they truly appreciate it. You can contact your local shelter to find out about what opportunities are there for you as a volunteer.
2. Foster
If you can’t adopt an animal, but can foster, consider doing so. Not only do you open your home to an animal looking for a home, but you will be providing him/her with the love and attention that they seek until they find their ‘furever’ home. It’s been known that foster pets have a much greater chance of finding such a home because they’ve been socialized.
3. Donate
Not only can you donate funds, but you can donate food, toys and even litter to your local cat shelter. Calling your shelter to learn what they need most is always a great idea, but guess what? A cat shelter can never have too much litter.
If you’re already a cat owner and can’t do any of the above, Cat’s Pride has made it even easier for you. After all you’re going to need to buy litter for your own cat right?
Cat’s Pride has an amazing program called Litter for Good, and it’s really simple. With every purchase of the green jug of Cat’s Pride Fresh & Light cat litter, Cat’s Pride will donate a pound of litter to shelters across the country. I told you it was easy.
You’re not only providing your own household and cat with an amazing litter, but you’re also helping out other cats nationwide as well. To learn more visit
While on the website, be sure to sign up for the Cat’s Pride® Club to nominate a shelter to receive litter donation. The Cat’s Pride Club offers valuable coupons and incentives throughout the year, as well as updates on the program donations and shelter highlights.
Remember every litter counts!