Every year, it seems as if school pictures sneak up on you. Right as you’re about to load the kids on the bus, you realize that it’s the day that their faces will forever be memorialized in their school yearbook. Unfortunately, your kids aren’t at their best. They’re wearing their everyday school clothes and might even have a little bit of their breakfast leftover on their faces. If this sounds familiar to you, then you need to read these tips for preparing for school pictures.
Set an Alarm… or Ten
If you want to be ready for school pictures this year, don’t be afraid to set an alarm… or ten. Go into your phone calendar and set the alarm so that it goes off the day before pictures, as well as the morning of. You can even set alerts for important reminders, such as shopping for picture clothes or taking your kids in to get their hair cut.

Pick a Pose and Background
Before preparing your kids for picture day, you’ll want to pick out a specific pose and background from their picture order forms. Many photographers allow parents to choose from a variety of poses, including close-ups or full-body pictures. If you select a close-up, obviously you won’t need to worry about shining those shoes, but if you pick a full-body image, you’ll want to make sure your kid is looking their best, from head to toe. The same goes for the background. You’ll want to coordinate your child’s outfit to complement the background color. For example, if the background is going to be red, you probably won’t dress your child in a green shirt since those colors can clash. Also, don’t forget to practice on those smiles.

Plan their Wardrobe
Don’t wait until the morning of picture day to choose an outfit for your kids. Instead, plan their wardrobe ahead of time. This might mean going shopping with them so that you can find the perfect outfit to go with their smiling faces. After picking out their clothes, you’ll also want to make sure you have their clothes wrinkle-free and ready to go the night before. Set out their clothes before they go to bed so that you can catch any wardrobe malfunctions before they happen.

Have a good breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and the one thing that I make sure that the family has. Having breakfast in the morning not only gives the energy that they need after a full day from the day before but also fuels their body and brain. According to Madison, “taking pictures is hard,” and you are going to need a good breakfast for all the hard work they are going to be doing in school that day.
My kids are big on cereal, and I have to admit, so am I. However, I love value for my money. Have you seen the prices for some cereals these days? I tend to bypass the “big ticket” cereals as I call them and head straight to my Malt-O-Meal® Cereal in the cereal aisle. Not only do I get bang for my buck, but it allows me not to go over my family food budget, and they taste amazing too! Malt-O-Meal® offers 34 delicious flavors, so there is something for every taste bud in the family, and each of my children has their own favorite. Madison just loves the Berry Colossal Crunch and asks for it every single morning, and there’s a problem if anyone touches her cereal. I don’t blame her one bit, it’s too good to share.

By following these tips, you’ll be ready for picture day so that your kids look their best! And go and download a coupon to try a Malt-O-Meal® brand cereal for yourself!