How To Plan An Awesome Summer Break

While most of us adults don’t get to experience the joy of summer break, it’s something our kids look forward to throughout the school year. Most kids are content to spend their summer months splashing around in the pool, hanging out with friends, watching television and sleeping in, but as a parent, you’re in a position to help positively influence their experience. With a little effort, you can help your kid have the most awesome summer break ever.

Here are a few of the best things you can do to enhance your kid’s summer break experience:


Summer camp is something every kid should experience at least once. It’s an excellent opportunity for them to step out of their comfort zones, build new friendships, try new things, and gain a little taste of independence. After all, for many kids, spending one or two weeks away from home is the longest they’ve gone without seeing their parents.

Whether you’re looking at a day camp for your little ones or a sleepaway camp in another state for your teen, you can rest assured they’ll benefit from the experience. And since most programs only last a couple of weeks, it can be a great way to break up the long summer months.


Summer is the perfect time to plan a trip with the family. As long as you can afford to take the time away from work, you won’t have to worry about justifying any unexcused absences for your little ones. Whether you choose to road trip to a national park, visit family, check out a new city, or return to a favorite retreat, everyone can benefit from a few days of something different.


You won’t be able to spend the whole summer traveling the country, and if you’re on any kind of budget, you may be hard-pressed to afford much more than a week or two in camp – if that. Fortunately, local libraries and school systems understand parents can struggle to keep kids busy during the summer. Many host free classes, activities, and events to keep kiddos of all ages entertained. Visit your local library’s website or give them a quick call to see what your options are.


For many parents, the struggle of summer vacation is finding a way to keep your kids supervised during the summer. They may be old enough to stay at home alone while you work, but they can’t drive to the park, visit friends, or check out museums on their own. Hiring a nanny can be a great way to keep your kids entertained during the summer break if you’re tied up at work.

To be fair, the cost of a nanny may be a little on the steep side if you’re dealing with an only child. However, if you have a couple of kids, the cost of a nanny will likely be cheaper than covering day camp fees for each of them, and they’ll gain a bit more flexibility.

Let’s be honest – most kids are happy enough merely being out of school for the summer months. However, with a little effort, you’ll be able to help them have a truly impressive summer break.

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