Regardless of how others are in society or how other families are raising their kids, it is important for you to start thinking about how you can help kids learn manners and use them on a regular basis.

When you think about the good ole days when families sat down at the dinner table as a unit, discussing their days and teaching kids how to have proper dinner manners; you wonder if your kids will be able to learn manners in our current day and age.
Rest assured, your kids can learn manners and you are able to teach them how to use those manners as well, so as long as you remember the first rule to this theory – as parents you need to set the example first. Parents who are consistent using terms such as “please” and “thank you” on a regular basis, yes, even when commanding a kid to do a chore, they are setting the precedence of how important manners are in everyday life.
For example, when I’m in the house and I need to get by, I would tell Madison my 4yr old, excuse me. Just recently we were at a Shopkins event at ToysRUs, and Madison decided that she wanted to help by pushing the shopping cart. In the aisle was a lady and her daughter with their own cart, and Madison as clear as day said “Excuse me”, and the lady said “sure” and moved to the side. I was so proud of her using her manners that day, in public too! So how can you help your own kids learn manners and use them?

How to Help Kids Learn Manners
Encourage Kids To Say Hello And Goodbye When Someone Visits Or Leaves The Home
One of the main manners that you want to encourage your kids to do is to say hello when someone arrives at your home and goodbye when that person leaves. This is a great way for kids to learn how to be more hospitable.
If you have visitors over often, make it a point to have your kids say hello as soon as the person arrives. You can even have them give the visitor a hug if they’re comfortable with it. And when the visit is over, make sure they say goodbye and thank the person for coming over.
Encourage Good Table Manners
Another important way to help kids learn manners is to encourage good table manners. This includes teaching them how to properly set the table, how to sit down and stand up from the table, and how to eat without making too much of a mess.
You can start by having them help you set the table for dinner. As they get older, you can have them help cook the meal as well. And during dinner, make sure they’re sitting up straight and not slouching in their chair. They should also chew with their mouth closed and not talk with food in their mouth.
Finally, when they’re finished eating, they should push their chair in and thank whoever cooked the meal.
Teach Them To Say Please And Thank You And You’re Welcome On A Regular Basis.
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but it’s important nonetheless. You want to make sure your kids are saying please whenever they ask for something, thank you when someone does something for them, and you’re welcome when someone thanks them.
You can start by modeling this behavior yourself. Whenever you ask your spouse or kids for something, make sure you say “please.” And if they do something for you, be sure to say thank you. Also, whenever someone says thank you to you, make sure you respond with “you’re welcome.”
Doing this on a regular basis will help your kids learn how to say these things naturally and without prompt.
Teach Kids To Say “Excuse Me,” Especially When Interrupting A Conversation Or When They Need To Get By.
One of the most important manners for kids to learn is how to say “excuse me.” This phrase can be used in a variety of situations, but it’s especially important when kids need to get by someone or when they’re interrupting a conversation.
When teaching your kids this phrase, make sure you give them plenty of opportunities to practice using it. For example, if you’re in line at the grocery store and your child needs to get by, tell them to say “excuse me” before they try to squeeze by.
You can also have them practice saying “excuse me” when they want to ask a question or when they need to interrupt a conversation. It’s important for kids to learn that it’s not always appropriate to butt into a conversation and that they should politely wait their turn.
Teach Kids Not To Open Closed Doors Until They Have Knocked And Been Told To Enter.
Knocking before entering is the beginning of good manners. This simple act can teach kids a lot about respect and consideration.
When teaching your kids to knock before entering, make sure you explain to them why it’s important. For example, you can tell them that it’s rude to just walk into someone’s room without knocking first. You can also tell them that it might be dangerous to enter a room without knowing if someone is inside.
Once they understand why it’s important to knock, make sure they practice doing it on a regular basis. Whenever they need to enter your room or another person’s room, they should always knock first.
Teach Kids To Make Thank-You Cards After Every Birthday Party Or Holiday Event.
Saying thank you is always important, but it’s especially important after a birthday party or holiday event. This is because your child has likely received a lot of gifts from their friends and family members.
One way to teach your kids to say thank you is by having them make thank-you cards. You can either buy a pack of blank cards or have them make their own out of construction paper. Then, after the event, sit down with your child and help them write out a personal message in each card.
This is a great way to teach kids the importance of expressing gratitude. And it also helps them practice their writing skills!
Teach Kids Not To Interrupt Adults When They’re Talking.
In the same way that it’s important for kids to learn how to say “excuse me” before interrupting a conversation, it’s also important for them to learn not to interrupt adults when they’re talking.
This can be a difficult lesson for kids to learn, but it’s an important one nonetheless. When teaching your kids not to interrupt, make sure you explain to them why it’s important. For example, you can tell them that it’s rude to butt into a conversation and that they should politely wait their turn.
You can also have them practice saying “excuse me” when they want to ask a question or when they need to interrupt a conversation. This will help them learn how to say it naturally and without prompt.
Encourage Kids To Ask Their Siblings To Do Things Rather Than Demand They Help Out.
One of the best ways to teach kids manners is to encourage them to ask their siblings for help rather than demand it. This simple act can teach kids a lot about respect and consideration.
When teaching your kids to ask for help, make sure you explain to them why it’s important. For example, you can tell them that it’s rude to just demand that someone do something for you. You can also tell them that it’s much more polite to ask nicely.
Once they understand why it’s important to ask politely, make sure they practice doing it on a regular basis. Whenever they need help from their siblings, they should always ask nicely instead of demanding assistance.
Remind Kids To Be Okay With Spilling Something On Accident But That They Need To Clean It Up.
Accidents happen, but that doesn’t mean your kids can just leave their messes for someone else to clean up. Remind them that it’s okay to spill something on accident but that they need to take responsibility for cleaning it up.
This is a great way to teach kids about taking responsibility for their actions. It also helps them learn the importance of being considerate of others.
Whenever there’s a spill, make sure your kids help clean it up. This will help them learn the correct way to handle such a situation, and it will also remind them to be more careful in the future.
Be A Consistent Example And Use Encouraging Words To Ensure Your Kids Use Manners Daily.
Wash your hands together before meals, put your phones away during conversations, say please and thank you often, and excuse yourself when you need to leave the table. By being a consistent example, you can encourage your kids to use manners daily.
In addition to being a good example, it’s also important to use encouraging words when your kids do use their manners. This will help them see that you’re happy with their behavior and that they should continue doing it.
Whenever your kids use their manners, make sure to praise them for it. This will help reinforce the importance of using good manners and will encourage them to continue doing so in the future. When you help kids learn manners at an early age, they are more likely to use them throughout their lifetime. It is important to be a consistent example for your kids and to encourage them every step of the way!
Encourage Them To Help Out Around The House With Chores
Last but not least, you want to encourage your kids to help out around the house with chores. This can be anything from taking out the trash to sweeping the floor.
Helping out around the house is a great way to teach kids about responsibility and consideration. It also helps them learn the importance of pitching in and doing their part.
When assigning chores, make sure you explain to your kids why it’s important for them to do them. For example, you can tell them that it’s rude to just leave their messes for someone else to clean up. You can also tell them that it’s much more polite to help out around the house.
Once they understand why it’s important to help out, make sure they practice doing it on a regular basis. Whenever there’s a chore that needs to be done, they should always pitch in and help out. By teaching your kids manners at an early age, you can help them develop into well-mannered adults!
Not only will this teach them how to be more responsible, but it will also show them that it’s important to pitch in and help out whenever possible.
Now that you have some tips on how to help kids learn some manners, how can parents help the kids use these manners regularly?
The best way to start getting your kids to use the manners they have learned through family and community interaction is to continually encourage and remind them to use those skills they have been taught. Kids are creatures of habit. That’s simply how they are wired, no matter their age. As you work to continuously remind kids how to use their manners, they are learning to make this a repetitive action and eventually will require no reminders.
Most parents want their kids to be on their best behavior when going out to visit friends or eat dinner at a restaurant. When you start to work towards teaching these manners to your kids at home, those traits will expand beyond the home into their everyday way of life naturally. Saying “please” and “thank you” is probably the most common set of manners that parents want their kids to use, but often times it’s the hardest to get them to do. A good way to start getting your kids into the habit of using these two simple words is to reward them when they do use them.
When you are out in public and your child uses their manners, make sure to praise them in front of others. This will help encourage them to continue using their manners while also showing other people around you that this is the type of behavior you expect from your child.
If you have trouble getting your kids to remember to say please or thank you, try setting up a reminder system. You can do this by keeping a jar or basket near the door and every time they leave the house, have them put a marble in it. Once they come back, have them take a marble out.
For every 10 times they remember to say please or thank you, they can get a small prize or treat. This will help encourage them to use their manners while also giving them something to look forward to.
It’s important to teach kids good manners from an early age so that they can develop into well-mannered adults.
In Conclusion
There you have it, some tips on how to help kids learn manners. The best way to get your kids to use their manners is to encourage them and remind them to do so on a regular basis. With a little bit of effort, you can help your kids develop into well-mannered adults! Just remember, the most important thing is to set the example yourself. If you’re polite and well-mannered, chances are your kids will follow suit.