How to Get Prom Ready: The Boys Edition ~ #AmazonProm #MyAmazon

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Amazon. All opinions are my own.

Prom! Probably bigger than you dropping your son off on his first day of Kindergarten. Today in collaboration with Amazon we share how your teen son can get prom ready.

I just can’t believe that my 17-year-old is getting ready for prom? Wasn’t it just the other day I dropped him off at Kindergarten? While this is one of the grandest achievements of your child’s life, a day that you have been looking forward to, along with their entrance into their university of choice, it may also be a day of dread.

While you may think that boys have it easier than girls, you couldn’t be further from the truth. See, I already had a daughter who went through her high school prom; just four years prior and I have to admit that it was a much easier time. So how do you get your son’s prom ready? It’s really simple and it gets even easier if your teen has an Amazon Teen login.

With Amazon Teen, your teenager (ages 13-17) can shop independently using the Amazon app while the parents are still informed of their spending habits. I’m able to set up a payment method with a pre-approved spending limit and designated shipping address that my son’s packages can be shipped to.

For prom, I gave him a spending limit of $300, because after shopping around at our local stores, I noticed that the price of suits was just a tad overpriced, but it wasn’t just the prices. This was his big day, a giant step into adulthood, and one that we were going to remember together, forever. I also knew that Amazon had a great selection and that he’d find something that he would really love and feel comfortable wearing to prom.

What’s great about this is that I can approve each item before it ships since I get a notification for his orders. I can also cancel and return any items in accordance with the Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee. And being a Prime member sure has its benefits where my son is concerned because he has use of my Free Two-Day shipping, Prime Video, and Twitch Prime at no additional cost, and so will your teen if you’re a member of Amazon Prime.

So how can you get your son prom ready?

Here are 5 easy ways!

Get an amazing haircut

While a suit may make the man, a great haircut makes the world of difference. Fix up those sideburns, trim that mustache and beard and get your swag on. An excellent haircut can totally boost your self-esteem and make you feel on top of the world as if prom wasn’t already doing that for you. Remember, this is your big day and you want to rock it!

Get a good suit

For this, I say to each his own. I knew that renting a suit was not an option for me. I didn’t want my son to be in a suit that others had worn before, and since Kyle and I weren’t happy with the suits that we saw at our local stores with the prices that were just a tad ridiculous for a single day. I set up a budget and had him use his Amazon Teen login so that he could choose the one he liked and wanted, starting his search at I have to say that the suit he chose was a really good choice, and he looked rather dapper on his big day.

Spiff up those shoes

Now is not the time for sneakers and boots, you’ve got your suit, and you’re going to need nice dress shoes, and Amazon has you covered in that area as well. Once again, the selections on Amazon truly can’t be beaten. Kyle was able to find a Calvin Klein shoe to match his suit, and they both came in record time thanks to Amazon Prime. Free Two-Day Shipping!!

It’s all about the cologne and deodorant

While it could totally be about the bass you’ll be dancing along to while at your prom, you have to remember it’s not just about you. You have to also think about your date and you want her to remember your smell for years to come. However, think about it, not only will you be dancing the night away, having a deodorant that will keep up with your nighttime moves is a must. Luckily for you, Amazon has both the cologne and deodorant that you need and so much more!

Don’t forget the tickets and corsage

You have everything now that you need for the big night, but please don’t forget that corsage or those tickets. Get a corsage that matches your date’s dress because you don’t want them to clash, but what is the good of all that if you forget your ticket at home. Not only will you not be able to enter your prom, but you’d have wasted all that time getting ready for nothing. Be sure to bring your ID along as well as some cash.

I can’t thank Amazon enough for making Kyle’s big day special. He was able to find everything that he needed for prom, at great prices with superb shipping. Remember, prom is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and you want it to be perfect for your son (and daughter too). He totally rocked his look and I was extremely proud of him.

Having Amazon on hand and allowing him the chance to choose whatever he wanted made his prom, his, and not mine. I know as parents we can get caught up in the big day and essentially take over with most of the decisions, but we have to realize that prom is truly about the kids. So, let them make their choices, give them their own Amazon Teen login, but this way you’ll still be involved. Set a budget, talk things over with your teen about your expectations, approve their purchases, and watch your teen have an amazing prom night.

Remember, Amazon has all that you need to make prom an amazing night. From suits to prom dresses, shoes, colognes, perfume, you name it, and Amazon has it!

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Amazon. All opinions are my own.
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