How to Easily Become a Permanent Resident of Singapore

How to Easily Become a Permanent Resident of Singapore

 Over the past hundred years, there have been countries that have thrived and grown beyond imagination. Dubai is one of them. Japan’s very new open border policy showed us what is possible in The East. The United States since the turn of the 20th century has grown to become a Goliath superpower. But one name outshines the rest when it comes to efficiency, cleanliness, and commerce: Singapore. Being a permanent resident in Singapore is a dream for so many around the world. The opportunities are there. The proving ground is there. The best of the best in the world can be found there. 

It’s been said that it is not easy to get a Permanent Resident status. That is not entirely true. If you know how the system works and what you should do to get one, actually achieving your goal is not that difficult. It’s not even that difficult. It just takes some time and effort. That’s true with everything, right? Here’s how you can easily become a permanent resident of Singapore


The easiest way is to go through an agency that knows what they’re doing. Sure, you can apply online and get in on your own. But the truth is, you need a competitive advantage. There are thousands of people trying to get into a fairly small country because of what it has to offer. According to, if you have the backing and the guidance of an agency your transition will be much smoother. The additional cost is covered by the amount you’ll be making while in the premier first world country of the East. 


If you’re going to become a permanent resident on your own, there are a few guidelines you would have to follow. The first eligibility set is for those who have a Singapore citizen or Permanent resident for a spouse. The second is if you’re an unmarried child under 21 that was born to legally married Singapore citizens or permanent residents. If you’re the old parent of a Singapore citizen, you may also be eligible to apply. From there, it’s either a student studying in Singapore, a foreign investor in Singapore, or the holder of an employment pass or “S pass”. These are the guidelines that are presented by the Singaporean government. 

Essentially, if you’re a person that has ties to the country either culturally or through relationships, contributes positively to the economy, or are working to be educated in the Singaporean system, you are eligible. In this day and age, there will be certain guidelines for you to follow by the local and national health secretaries of both your country of origin and Singapore. Be sure to have that clean bill of health, a negative RT-PCR test, and anything else that may be asked for in these evolving times. 

Moving to Singapore is not hard. You just have to be a contributing member of society. If you want to bypass all of the hubbubs, go through an agency. If you’re confident in your abilities to get in, try it out yourself. Be sure to choose the fastest, easiest, most logical route. Good luck!

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