How to Avoid Seasickness on Your Next Cruise

Seasickness can turn your dream cruise into a nightmare.

Seasickness is the result of multiple physiological reactions to motion. It is a mismatch of data transmitted to the brain from the eyes, inner ear, and sensory nerves in your feet.

It is like your brain is receiving the wrong signal. When you are inside a ships’ cabin, your eyes do not see movement but the inner ear senses it. Thus, your eyes are telling your brain there is no movement, while the inner ear tells otherwise.

As a result, you get seasick.

To some people, it can be mild. To others, it is incapacitating. So much so that it can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, and cold sweats.

That said, we have listed eight ways you can alleviate seasickness on your next cruise.

Choose a Large, Modern Ship

Modern and larger ships are less prone to motion sickness, thanks to both their size and modern stabilizers that prevent the waves’ motion.

Think of the stabilizers as large airplane wings. They stretch out from the side of the ship during rough seas. The gyroscopic motor counterbalances the side-to-side rolling motion you feel during inclement weather.

So, if you want to go on a cruise and are afraid you might get seasick, consider booking a trip on large vessels like Norwegian Cruise Line‘s Encore.

The key here is to do research beforehand. That way, you can create informed and intelligent decisions to ensure a smooth cruise. 

Pick Your Cabin Location Wisely

Whether you booked a Caribbean cruise or would like to ride the Disney cruise with your kids, it is imperative to choose your cabin location wisely.

The side-to-side swing and “seesaw” pitch motion of the ship are reduced in the middle of the boat. Hence, request a middle cabin.

You can also request a room with a window so you can look out on the horizon.

Pack Seasickness Medication

There are many medications available to help counter or manage motion sickness. These are called antiemetic drugs.

Voyagers Travel Company recommends over-the-counter drugs like Bonine and Dramamine. Most of the medications counteract the impact of chemicals discharged by the brain during seasickness.

However, you should consult your doctor about which medications are best for you. More so if you are taking other medications.

Spend Time Outside

If you are feeling seasick, it is helpful to go out on an open deck or balcony and look toward the horizon. Doing so allows your eyes to “see” the motion. This will send signals to the brain similar to what your ears are “telling.”

Moreover, the fresh air blowing in your face helps you focus on things other than the cruise’s movement.

Opt for Nausea-Reducing Foods

Another way to alleviate seasickness is to consume foods that help cure nausea. Some excellent examples are saltine crackers, plain bread, or pretzels.

Many people observe that eating crackers along with drinking water or soda helps. Ensuring that you are well-fed is better than having an empty stomach. But be mindful not to overeat.

Also, you might want to drink some ginger ale. Ginger is a well-known natural cure for motion sickness. Peppermint also may have calming impacts on the stomach.

Use a Motion Band

Do not let the rush of nausea and vomiting spoil your trip to the sea. If you are traveling with kids who are seasick often, consider using a motion band.

These are knitted elasticated wrist bands, applying pressure on each wrist’s Nei Kuan acupressure point using a plastic stud.

Motion bands may be used to relieve motion sickness, morning sickness, and cancer nausea. The best part? They do not have adverse side effects since it uses acupressure instead of drugs.

This also means that motion bands are safe for children and pregnant women.

Try Acupressure

That feeling we call nausea⁠or wanting to vomit, or being sick to your belly is just one of motion sickness’s common traits. It has various causes, but acupressure is one method to help ease it.

It is slightly different from acupuncture, wherein the pressure is applied to specific points of your body. Pressing on these points may help slacken muscles and improve blood circulation.

So, when you are feeling seasick, find what acupoints (or pressure points) you should press to help alleviate it.

Avoid Books, Screens, and Alcohol

Whether you are reading a paperback or an e-book, reading is a sure-fire means to get you seasick. But if you really need to read something, be sure to read small parts at a time with frequent pauses to look up towards the horizon.

If you are using a tablet or laptop, opt for an audiobook. That way, you will not be fixing your eyes on the screen. Another tip is to tone down the brightness of your device.

Lastly, refrain from drinking alcohol while on a cruise. If you know how it can affect you while on land, it can worsen at sea.


You may have said to yourself, “I would go on a cruise if not for seasickness.”

Passengers who get motion sickness on the plane get to choose their seats. The same thing should go for people who are going on a cruise.

Moreover, there are tactics that you can do to help solve your issue. That way, you can enjoy the cruise without worrying about when you will throw up.

By following the eight tips listed above, you no longer have to miss out on a cruise trip.

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