Minimal Cleaning After Guests ~ How to Accomplish That

If you like to host often parties in your home then I guess you really like spending time with your close friends and share laughter and good memories with them.

What I am sure you don’t like is having to clean up the mess that is left behind your guests. I get you. After the long night you are probably tired and wish to just lay in your bed and rest while some magical fairies come and clean your whole house. Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but that is very unlikely to happen, however, I have a few tips for you to make the cleaning easier.

Clean Beforehand

This is pretty obvious, but still worth mentioning. If your house is clean before your guests arrive the mess afterwards will be easier to be dealt with. Make sure that all of the rooms your guests will be using are properly cleaned so that your friends would feel comfortable.

Smart Decoration

You can get party decorations on which you can put the names of your guests and they can take it home with them as party favors. This way you can impress your guests and at the same time have them ‘help’ you clean up the house after the party ends.

Use Disposable Plates and Cups

Using disposable tableware doesn’t mean that you will have to use ugly plastic plates and cups. You will be surprised how these party goods have improved in the recent years. You can get plastic plates and cups which have pretty designs and most of your guests won’t even assume that the fate of this tableware is to be thrown in the waste bin at the end of the night. This will cut your work tremendously and you can enjoy your dinner without having to think about a pile of dirty dishes in your sink afterwards.

Do an Outdoor Party

If the weather outside is nice and you have a nice garden or patio why don’t you gather your friends for an outdoor party. The atmosphere outside is pretty good for gatherings and you will save your home from the inevitable stains that will come with having lots of people inside your home.

Make the Food Simple

There is no need to make complicated dishes. The best party food is the one that is bite sized. There is no need for a menu with many courses which will not only create a big mess in the kitchen, but most probably will cost you missing your own party. Instead, look for recipes that can be prepared beforehand and don’t worry too much. If you do decide to cook something in the oven there are aluminum trays which you can throw away after you are finished with the cooking.

Don’t Hide the Waste Bins

Put the a few waste bins where they can be easily spotted. If your guests can easily find them that means that they will know where to throw their waste. That way it will be way easier for you to throw out your bin bags after the guests leave your house. You can double or even triple-bag your waste bins. That way, if the top bag breaks there won’t be any waste mess to deal with later. Moreover when you take out the bin bag there will be a new clean one in your waste bin.

By doing a few extra things in advance you will be able to fully enjoy your party and the company of your friends. Next time when you wonder if hosting a party is a good idea, just use these few smart tricks so that you can enjoy the good times with friends and family and not worry about cleaning the house.

Bio: Zowie Ashton is an owner of a small cleaning company called N8 Domestic cleaning. She is passionate about her job and loves to write articles which are related to cleaning, organizing and DIY.

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