As a parent, you know that you become totally uncool the moment your child turns 13. When they’re little kids, they want you all the time but then all of a sudden they stop wanting you to help them and they want you to leave them alone. The thing is, you want them to want you, and for that to work, you need to be that cool parent – while still being a parent.
When they are turning 13, you want to throw them a party for their birthday. Most kids will have a huge bash for their sweet Sixteen, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do both. You want this to be a smashing success, the perfect party. You want to serve up your famous smoked ribs recipe with all of the snacks, the marshmallows, and the ice cream and you want your teen to love you for it. We get it. So, here are the tips that you need for hosting the perfect party. Ever.

- Confer with your teenager.
Before you do anything, sit down with your teenager and ask them what they want. It’s the only way you can ensure that you really do throw the best possible party because you will literally be giving them what they want for their party. You can talk over the invitations and timing, and you can talk about guests and what they would want decor-wise. You can also negotiate party end times, and where you will be while this soiree is undergoing.
- Plan a menu.
Remember we talked about your ribs recipe? You need to plan a menu that either includes a buffet of their favorite foods, or you choose a cookout or something they’ll love. Party food doesn’t have to be a full sit-down affair and if it’s a sleepover, think about the breakfast in the morning, too! You can also hire a candy bar or trolley for the guests to have fun with, too.
- Ask for help.
If you want some help with planning, ask your teen to grab their absolute besties and get them involved in helping with the cooking and party prep. They can do some of the candies, cakes and fun things and they can set up the house so that your things stay safe while the party is going.
- Get the gadgets ready.
If your teen wants a party with his friends that involves PlayStation and snacks, then think about getting everything ready ahead of time. if there’s a movie night, bring out the popcorn machine and make the party a hit.
- Give it a theme.
Your teens’ party needs a theme and that means again, ask your teen what they want. You can hire a party planner for those who have contacts and who can tell you all about the best places and themes for a teenager!
The perfect party exists in your teenager’s head – so ask them first and go from there to make sure that they have the perfect day.