Halloween Traditions Your Family Will Love

Halloween Traditions Your Family Will Love

One of the best parts about celebrating holidays with family is creating – and embracing – traditions.

At least, that’s what I think! In many cases, when holidays are approaching, I’m not excited about the actual event – I’m excited for all the festivities and activities that surround it, especially the beloved traditions we revisit year after year. When Thanksgiving rolls around, I might be more excited for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade than the actual feast (especially when I’m the one cooking it). And there’s something magical about the annual cruise through town to check out the Christmas lights that just feels different.

But what about Halloween?

While most people automatically think of trick-or-treating (which is a much-loved tradition for kids), there are lots of other ways you can make Halloween something to look forward to for your family. Not sure what traditions you can incorporate into your Halloween plans this year – and beyond? Here are a few of my favorite ideas:

Watch Your Favorite Halloween Movie

There are no shortage of movies out there about Halloween. The Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, and It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown are all much-loved classics that families love to revisit again and again. Choose one of these – or another favorite – and make a tradition of watching it each year (with your favorite snack, of course!).

And once the kiddos are a bit older? You can keep your tradition going strong with the same movie or switch it up for something a little spookier.

Take a Vacation

If your family is the type who loves to travel, consider planning an annual getaway around Halloween. Choose a spooky destination, like Salem, Massachusetts, or take advantage of a chance to see some fall leaves and drink apple cider! Alternately, choose a big city, where they’re guaranteed to have plenty of Halloween festivals and events to enjoy while you’re there.

Find a Way to Volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and strengthen your family bond. Most people don’t think about volunteering around Halloween, but there are plenty of ways you can give back! You could…

  • Assemble and donate “boo bags” filled with little toys and treats for a local hospital, children’s home, or charitable organization. 
  • Plan a family park cleanup or choose a high-traffic neighborhood and collect litter.
  • Bring smiles to a local senior center by paying them a visit – in costume, of course!

Plan A Spooky Menu

For an easy way to celebrate Halloween all day, plan a Halloween-inspired menu for your family! Whip up some ghost pancakes for breakfast, make these adorable jack-o-lantern quesadillas for lunch, and try your hand at eyeball pasta or eyeball soup for dinner  – or get creative and try your own haunted spins on your favorite meals!

Finding a new tradition for your family to enjoy on Halloween is an easy way to make the holiday more memorable. Choose from one or two of these suggestions, or come up with your own special tradition to celebrate each Halloween!

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