When someone enters the world of collecting trading cards, it can easily become an obsession. After all, there are hundreds of potential collectibles to choose from, and each card has its own unique characteristics that help it stand out from the crowd. In some cases, this means a person may have a ton of cards all laid out on their bed or floor, carefully organized, up for sale or trade. And in the case of more serious collectors, they may have thousands of cards stored away in a basement or spare room. If you are buying a gift for someone who is into collecting trading cards, here are some gift ideas that will surely be a perfect addition to their collection.

Life-Sized Cardboard Cutout
A life-sized cardboard cutout is a perfect gift for a serious collector. A custom cut out of the card in question will add an extra element of uniqueness to their collection. Plus, it can be reused when they decide to move on from that particular piece and switch it out for something else (so you might be able to get a few years of use out of it). A life-size cutout is a great conversation starter and will add to the fun of hosting friends. Also, it can help add a bit of mystery and suspense if they choose to keep it hidden until the right moment and spring it on unsuspecting visitors. Just be sure to leave enough room in your shopping cart for tons of snacks and drinks, because everyone knows that when card collectors throw a party, they go all out!
Card sleeves
Sleeves help to keep the dust from getting in and protect from scratches. If you know that MTG players’ collections are valuable, MTG sleeves come in many different sizes and colors, and most players use a different sleeve for their enemy colors and a different one for their allied colors. You may design a new sleeve yourself or buy a premade coat of arms or some other design that is their favorite. Many MTG players have a pile of double-sleeved cards. If the card sleeves are transparent, you can easily check if they use more than one colored sleeve by looking at the addressed side on the table. Besides being a great MTG accessory, card sleeves can be a nice decoration in any room.
Card-Holding Albums
This is a very typical gift that card collectors receive (and typically don’t like). Why? Because typical baseball card albums do not work well with trading cards. Most standard 6X9 pages won’t close, or they will be too loose for most types of cards, and if you use 9X12 pages, the album becomes bulky and almost impossible to carry around (especially for younger kids who need to bring their collection everywhere). Fortunately, there are plenty of other options available these days in all shapes and sizes; ones that will work with specific types of trading cards (like Magic: The Gathering). For example, when buying a baseball card album, look for a thicker and wider book with an attached clasp.
Custom Storage Boxes
One of the bigger issues with collecting trading cards is storage. Half the battle is keeping track of what card you have, so you can show it off at a moment’s notice, especially if someone else has the same card, and you want to make a trade. Custom storage boxes can help solve this problem and will help keep your cards safe for years to come. With a little effort, you can create some really interesting storage boxes out of almost anything. Wooden cigar boxes are, for example, great because they look great and give the cards that vintage/aesthetic feeling.

Trading Cards Game
If your special someone is collecting regular playing cards instead of trading cards, consider buying them a themed game that features their favorite characters on the box. Games like Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity are great for bringing friends together in an enjoyable setting, but they can also make a perfect gift by turning your loved one’s passion into a fun experience. You can buy a premade card game that has the cards customized with their favorite characters.
Customized Books to Display
If your special someone is really into collecting cards, chances are that they also like to show them off. One of the most popular ways to display trading cards in books (or on a table/wall) is through shadow boxes with glass over the top. However, there are plenty of other options available for those who want something more personal. For example, any local print shop can create customized picture books for your loved one, with their favorite colors and designs (ones they pick out themselves). They will enjoy having a photo album dedicated to their card collection that showcases all of their hard work and effort.
Although it may be difficult to find the perfect gift for someone passionate about something like trading cards, there are plenty of options on the market. No matter what they enjoy collecting, you can find something that will make them smile. As long as you keep their interests in mind when shopping, you will find a gift that your loved one will be sure to appreciate.