Getting Ready for High School Picture Day with Invisalign® ~ #Invisalign #InvisalignSmile

School has been back in session for a while, and that means picture day is fast approaching! While most of the country goes back to school after Labor Day, our kids start at the beginning of August, so they’ve been in for quite a bit longer.

This post was sponsored by the Invisalign® brand and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Picture Day has always been a big event here at our house. I enjoy getting photos every year of the kids and comparing them to the years before. The one photo that I’m really excited about this year is Mikael’s. As you know we’ve been on our Invisalign® treatment journey for a few months and the results have been astounding.

Many of you may remember Mikael as my autistic son, the one who hated taking photographs and also disliked smiling. But recently, that has changed. While he’s still not a fan of having his photo taken, the fact that he allows me to take his photo and smiles while doing so speaks wonders about how Invisalign® treatment is boosting his confidence.

So, here are five tips for how you can get your high schooler ready for that big picture day.

1. Write the Date Down

This has got to be the number one tip. Because there’s nothing worse than your child showing up for school not realizing that it’s picture day because you both forgot. I have had that happen before with my oldest son Kyle, and also with Madison, and gotten both texts and phone calls about it. Set a reminder so that you’re both prepared for the big day.

2. Let Them Choose Their Own Clothing (within reason)

You want this photo to be memorable, but remember that this is THEIR photo, not yours. Take them shopping for a new shirt and even a tie. Let them choose colors that look great on them. I encourage taking a mobile photo of the various outfits, so that you can compare them. Avoid logos and clothing with wild patterns that would detract from their gorgeous faces, and instead try and stick with basics.

3. Let Them Practice Their Smile

We all remember those school photos that our kids brought home where it’s obvious that they’re saying cheese. I have quite a few of those with Madison and also of the other kids. Your high schooler might be on the broody side and prefer not to smile, and that’s OK, but for those who don’t mind smiling, practice some shots of your own encouraging a smile, and preferably not a smirk so that they can nail it on picture day. But encourage them to relax, faked smiles aren’t great either.

If your child is self-conscious about their smile like Mikael used to be, maybe their teeth are crooked or they have an overbite, then moms, help them get the confidence that you want them to have with a treatment that works for teens and consider Invisalign treatment. Invisalign clear aligners have been a game-changer in our household. They’re confidence boosters, and since they’re virtually invisible while they’re on, your son or daughter can feel and look their best. Not only is it the most advanced clear aligner system in the world, but with over 20 years of innovation and 7 million+ smiles transformed, Invisalign treatment is known to correct simple to complex orthodontic cases.

4. Get a Haircut or a New Hairstyle

Nothing pulls a new outfit together better than a new haircut or hairstyle. Consider having them take a brush or comb, or even an afro-pick for those with afros so that their hair can be the star of the show, along with their smile of course. Brushing away those flyways and having a mess-free hairstyle will almost always guarantee not having to do a retake.

5. Don’t Forget the Beauty Essentials

I don’t just mean lip gloss and/or chapstick! As a mom of boys, I know how smelly they can get after a basketball game. If picture day is after a gym session, and there may not be enough time to take a shower. If they can’t take one, consider sending in some deodorant or deodorant wipes, and also facial wipes. Not only will they smell great, but the facial wipes will take away that shine that will leave their face looking oily on film.

For us, that also means his Invisalign clear aligners. Mikael never leaves home without his aligners, but of course, he has to take them out when he has to eat, but they’re protected in their case, so he’ll simply put them in his pocket, brush his teeth and put them back in, and get ready.

Remember, don’t worry about their photo not being perfect, because their photo will be perfectly them, and their imperfections are what makes them unique. You’ll also look back on these photos with fond memories.

However, if your child is insecure about their teeth, then consider completing a free smile assessment for them. You can even visit the Invisalign website and locate a doctor near you that specializes in Invisalign treatment. Get that picture-perfect smile that they’ve always dreamed of having.

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