It’s September and the kids are back in school. Aren’t you happy? I know I am! There is much reason to celebrate, with the kids back in school and the weather getting cooler. Today I’m celebrating with a Cantaloupe and Strawberry Pop made with Silk Almondmilk, and I’m going to share with you eight fruits you should be buying in September.

I am all for eating healthier, and that includes eating my daily servings of fruits and vegetables. However, I’m going to be honest with you, besides broccoli, carrots, and corn, there really aren’t many veggies that I’m fond of.
Fruits, on the other hand, I go crazy for. Not only are they a good source of vitamins, but they’re all naturally sweet. Since I have been trying to limit my sugar intake, fruits have become my sweet tooth crush, and buying fruits in season is less expensive. I use them to make fruit salads and for my morning smoothies. It’s a great pick-me-up in the morning.
Since my family is mostly lactose intolerant, I tend to always have a carton of Silk Almondmilk handy. Not only is it better for my family since it is lactose and dairy-free, but it’s cholesterol-free as well. After my annual doctor visit, I was told that my cholesterol was high, thus my reason for wanting food products that are better for me. Silk Almondmilk is completely plant-based, contains no peanuts or eggs for those who suffer from allergies, and is completely free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives.

So now that fall is here, here are a few fruits that you should be buying and stocking up on.
1. Cantaloupes
Cantaloupes are my favorites and are chock full of vitamins A, C, and potassium. I use them regularly in my breakfast smoothies because of how delicious they are.
2. Pears
Pears are a natural source of sugar and are packed full of fiber and nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B, and potassium. Did you know that one medium-sized pear has only about 100 calories?
3. Blackberries
Blackberries, known as the brain-boosting fruit, contain Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Folate, and potassium and are a very good source of dietary fiber.
4. Raspberries
Raspberries are a good source of fiber, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A. At only 64 calories per cup, you won’t feel guilty eating the delicious treats.

5. Strawberries
Strawberries are considered one of the world’s healthiest foods and are an excellent source of Vitamin C and fiber. They are also one of the most consumed berries in the world.
6. Blueberries
Blueberries are a very good source of fiber, vitamin K, and vitamin C. Blueberries are not only sweet but can be used in baked goods as well as all the other berries.
7. Peaches
If you’re looking for a healthy fruit snack, you don’t have to look any further than a peach. Peaches are a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Iron, Folate and so much more.
8. Apples
Apples are in full season in September, which coincidentally is back to school. No wonder we associate apples with teachers. Apples are also full of Vitamin C and lots of fiber, and a medium-sized apple is about 95 calories, so don’t feel guilty eating them.
With all these fruits and so much more in your supermarket, there is no reason not to have your daily serving of fruit. If you would love an easy way to enjoy your fruit, besides a smoothie, of course, then you may love our Cantaloupe Strawberry Pops. They make great after-school snacks for the kids, too!

Cantaloupe Strawberry Pop
What you’ll need:
2 cups cantaloupe
½ cup strawberries
2 cups Silk Almondmilk
Popsicle mold

In a blender, blend your fruits and almond milk until smooth
Pour your blended concoction into your popsicle mold and place it in the freezer
Remove from the mold once frozen and enjoy

This is a great way to enjoy fruits that are in season and all without dairy, for those that are lactose intolerant. Silk Almondmilk gives it that creamy taste that I’ve come to enjoy when I make my fruit pops, and best of all they’re delicious! Just ask Madison. Besides being cold, which is her only complaint, she loves them!

So head to your local supermarket or farmers’ market, pick up fruits that are in season along with a carton of Silk Almondmilk, and enjoy what fall has to offer. Also, don’t forget to sign up for Silk’s email, so you can receive coupon offers, recipes, life hacks, and much more by email.