From Head to Toe – Nature Made® Has You Covered

This post was sponsored by Nature Made® as a part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

2015 was a rather stressful year for me. As many of you may know, my mom died August 2015 and since then it seems like my life has gone on a downward spiral. I look happy and bubbly on the outside and I smile for the camera, but deep down I’m still hurting. There has been a lot going on behind the scenes that no-one really knows about, but me. When the new year, 2016, begun, I set a goal, instead of a resolution, for myself. I was going to travel more, take charge of my life and focus on being happy because I know that my mother would not want me mourning her forever. I had let myself go, I was not taking care of myself the way I used to and I was so stressed out that my hair was beginning to fall out, my nails were breaking and my skin was showing my stress. I was not in the mood to work out and all I wanted to do was lay in bed, but I knew I had to make a change. I had to not only do this for me, but for my kids as well, after all I had them to think about and not just myself. That’s where Nature Made® comes in. This post is based on my experience, I’m not an expert and my experience may differ from yours.

As I mentioned, I was not taking good care of myself and my body was suffering. I was barely eating so I wasn’t getting my daily recommended dose of vitamins, so I KNEW I needed a multivitamin, along with a lifestyle change of course. I knew I wanted Nature Made® and decided to go to Walmart where Nature Made® vitamins, minerals and supplements are always available at an everyday low price. I don’t have to ever wait for a sale. After all Nature Made® is the nation’s #1 best-selling brand for quality vitamins, minerals and supplements* and I knew it would help me fill in my nutritional gaps. However there was such a vast selection that I didn’t know exactly what I should buy. I was lucky enough to have the kind help of a Walmart Pharmacy employee who helped me with my purchase. Thank you Walmart employee! I picked up the Nature Made® Vitamelts (Hair. Skin. Nails & Multivitamin) and the Nature Made® Stress B-Complex. I have been taking all three products for the past 2 weeks and I can say that I can see a big difference in my skin, my energy level has gone up and I have been feeling a sense of euphoria for the past couple of days as well.

Remember I mentioned that all I’ve wanted to do was lay in bed all day? Well now I have taken control of my life. I get out every day, I take my dogs for a walk, I go to my water aerobics class 3 days a week and Zumba twice. It doesn’t take a lot to live a healthier life. Sometimes it’s the little things that make a big difference. Here are just three things you can do to boost your energy level. You don’t even need to go to the gym.

1. Don’t Skip Breakfast:
There’s a reason why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There are lots of benefits to eating breakfast and it does boost your energy level for the day.

2. Brisk Walks and Mini Exercises:
On your way to the mailbox or even while walking your dog, do a power walk instead of just lazily strolling. Dogs love to run so you can even do a quick jog. You can also do jumping jacks – these can be done anywhere. Do 10 – 20 jumping jacks (or as many as you can) at least twice daily.

3. Drink 8-10 glasses of water:
Your body needs the hydration and water helps to energize you after a workout. It also helps with your skin and hair and you’ll notice a major difference once you start drinking more water.

I have been taking my own tips along with my Nature Made® vitamins and supplements and I’m now on the path that I need to be. If you’re like me and looking for a lifestyle change, visit and sign up for the Nature Made Daily Boost program where you can get inspiration and information to further your health goals and to get a sneak peek at what other Nature Made® fans are doing to stay healthy.

Let’s discuss: What are you doing to stay healthy?

I-C is hosting a contest through which my readers can enter to win one of 20 $50 Walmart gift cards. This contest closes 4/12. I-C will randomly select 20 winners from all program entries and will handle fulfillment of the winning prizes. Good luck!

Nature Made Wellness 5

*Based in part on data reported by Nielsen through its Scantrack Service for the Vitamins Category for 52-week period ending 1/02/2016, for the xAOC Market. Copyright © 2016 Nielsen.

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