The best part of wakin’ up, is Folgers in your cup!

You must surely have heard the famous Folgers Coffee Jingle, whether you’re a coffee lover or not. It’s as catchy and as easily remembered as singing your ABC’s. For as long as I remembered Folgers have always been synonymous with coffee, after all it is the best of waking up, isn’t it? I have to admit that my morning isn’t complete without a cup of coffee, I’m as grumpy as can be without it so it’s usually the first thing that I make as soon as I open my eyes. When I was active in the military, my days would consist of me being up sometimes as early as 4am and without that morning coffee, I would literally be a zombie for the rest of the day. Now that I’m a stay at home mom, my days consist of chasing behind a now 5yr old (yes Madison just celebrated a birthday) and without my morning coffee I wouldn’t have the energy at all.

I remember one day singing along to the jingle and Madison asking what Folgers in my cup was. My answer was “it’s mommy’s slice of heaven before hell (meaning Madison) erupts”. She didn’t get the joke. I’m pretty sure that I have sung the Folgers Jingle about a million times, sometimes even putting my own spin on it. Have you ever heard the jingle sung with a Caribbean calypso beat? You should! How many times have you yourself sung the jingle?
Music is the bane of our culture and given the rich tradition of American music, Folgers is inviting aspiring musicians to embrace their iconic jingle and make it your own. Folgers has always been known to inspire musicians to follow their dreams and this year have teamed up with country music singer and songwriter Chris Young to encourage all aspiring musicians to create their own version of the very recognizable “Best Part of Wakin’ Up™” in a Folgers Jingle Contest.
How does the Jingle Contest work?
Simply submit a video of you doing your best jingle version on the website from January 30th through February 27th. Your version should however include the complete melody and lyrics of:
The Best Part of Wakin’ Up is Folgers in Your Cup.
5 Semi-Finalist will be chosen from February 27th to March 19th and each will have a mentor session with Chris Young before the online vote.
Fans nationwide will then have the chance to vote daily for their favorite jingle and every vote automatically enters you to win prizes up to $10,000.
Finally, one grand prize winner will be selected to win the grand prize of $25,000.
We all have an inner singer inside, even if you don’t think you do. Practice your chops and enter, and if you decide that you don’t want to enter, vote for your favorite. After all it won’t hurt would it? So get out there, make a video or vote! Either way, the best part of wakin’ up, will definitely be Folgers in your cup!
To learn more about the Folgers jingle contest and to connect visit: