Easy Ways To Save This Holiday Season

Looking for ways to save money this season? Get all the tips and tricks you need to make sure your holiday shopping is budget-friendly with these easy tips!


Most people look forward to the approach of the holiday season each year, but if you’re on a budget, it can signal some unwanted stress. While the holidays can be a great time to make memories and enjoy time with loved ones, it’s easy for costs to climb and expenses to get out of hand when there’s so much going on. Between buying presents, attending holiday parties, preparing celebratory dinners, and decorating for the season, getting into the spirit can do some damage to your bank account. 

While you’ll have a hard time eliminating all costs associated with the holiday season, you can definitely take some steps to save a few dollars here and there, lessening the overall impact on your family’s budget. Not quite sure how to do that? Here are a few of my favorite ways to save throughout the holiday season:

Make your gift list early, and watch for sales!

To get the best deals on presents for friends and family, figure out what you want to buy them well in advance. Give yourself a couple of months, at minimum, to slowly purchase the items on your list as they go on sale. You can use online tools to track prices and notify you when they drop, strategically stack coupons to score an impressive discount, or take other steps to bring down the price on those high-dollar gifts—as long as you have the foresight and patience to make it happen! 

You can apply this same idea to the ingredients in your holiday meals. If you love going all-out for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and tend to blow your budget at the grocery store, keep an eye out for the different components of your dishes and scoop them up when you see them on sale.

DIY your holiday decor…

If you like to keep your home decor fresh and seasonal, you know it can feel like you’re almost constantly changing things out. You also know it can get expensive to invest in new home decor pieces to change up the look and feel of a room. 

If you’re looking to save on your holiday decor this season, consider a DIY approach. A quick search on Pinterest or Google will turn up tons of do-it-yourself projects perfect for all skill levels, styles, and celebrations. Picking up a few craft supplies from Michaels or using what you have on hand to create something awesome is a great way to keep costs down and have some fun. 

…and your gifts, if you can!

While committing to DIY gifts for all of your friends and family might not be practical, handmade gifts can be a meaningful way to celebrate the season with loved ones. If you can paint incredible portraits, create pottery, knit scarves, or bake delicious cookies, put those skills to your advantage and save a few dollars in the meantime. 

Even if you don’t consider yourself particularly crafty, there are lots of easy DIY gift ideas floating around online that don’t require much skill or money but could make impressive presents. Research your options and think about what you can realistically do. Chances are, you’ll be surprised by the number of DIY options at your disposal. 

Don’t forget about free activities!

One of my favorite ways to save is to always do something for free. Instead of spending money on expensive activities during the holidays, try looking for free events and attractions in your area. Many cities have holiday festivals, parades, light shows, and other fun seasonal activities that you can attend with the family without spending a dime. This is a great way to save money while still enjoying all of the festive fun the season has to offer.

Lastly, set a budget and stick to it!

One of the most important things you can do to save money during the holiday season is to set a budget and stick to it. This means planning out your spending ahead of time, tracking your expenses, and avoiding impulse purchases. If you have kids, stick to a set amount for each kid, and you may even consider the 3-gift rule. It may be tempting to splurge on that perfect gift or go all-out on extravagant decorations, but remember that sticking to a budget will ultimately reduce stress and keep your finances in check. Plus, the holiday season is about spending time with loved ones, not about how much money you can spend.

In Conclusion

As you can see, there are definitely ways you can cut back on costs during the holiday season. By embracing a DIY approach instead of spending tons of cash on seasonal gifts and goods and taking advantage of the sales that appear throughout the season, you’ll be well on your way to making it through the holidays with your bank account intact.

And don’t forget, for those of you thinking about traveling for the holidays, you can also save money on holiday travel by being strategic when booking flights and accommodations. Consider traveling during off-peak times or using travel reward points to offset the cost. You could also opt for a staycation and explore your local area instead of venturing far from home.

Another way to save money during the holiday season is to participate in gift exchanges with family and friends instead of buying individual gifts for each person. This not only reduces your overall spending, but it also adds an element of surprise and fun to gift-giving.

Lastly, don’t let the pressure of giving expensive gifts or hosting extravagant parties overshadow the true meaning of the holidays. Focus on creating meaningful moments with loved ones, and remember that the best gifts are often the simplest ones from the heart. Happy savings and happy holidays! So, be creative, thoughtful, and mindful of your budget this holiday season in order to truly enjoy the spirit of giving without financial stress. Cheers to a happy and budget-friendly holiday season!

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