The holidays can be stressful and with Thanksgiving right around the corner we moms tend to forget about ourselves, because we’re so busy taking care of others. That’s why I’m partnering with Alouette, to share three easy ways to make sure you don’t forget to eat while you’re busy feeding everyone else this Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving has always been an enormous deal for us, especially now that we’re in a state with no family close by. When we lived in NYC we would head to my in-laws or any other relatives home for Thanksgiving, and left all the cooking to them, with the exception of one dish that we would carry along. Now that we’re relatively thousands of miles away from everyone, it means that I have to prepare our Thanksgiving meal by myself. I generally spend hours in the kitchen on Thanksgiving Day making sure everything is ready. It’s just what we do as moms! I have a family of six, and all with different eating habits and tastes. My oldest is a vegetarian, so for her there is a fish made, while Madison, Mikael and I just LOVE Cornish Hens. My husband has to have his ham while Kyle is all about the turkey, and let’s not forget the sides! When I think about how much time is going to be spent in the kitchen, it’s enough to make me want to disappear for a while, but that’s not going to be possible. So how do you keep it all together and not forget yourself in the meantime? In my experience, these three effortless tips will help ensure that your day goes by a lot easier.

1. Snack while cooking
One thing we moms always tend to forget is ourselves, especially when we’re in the kitchen. As moms we tend to put our families first, and we’re all so busy making sure that everything is just right, that everyone is fed and happy, that sometimes we even forget to feed ourselves! I love that Alouette Garlic and Herbs Soft Spreadable cheese is so easy to grab out of the fridge, pop off the top and dip a few veggies in. Let’s face it, we’re already cutting up tons of vegetables for the side dishes, might as well feed yourself while you’re cooking! To make sure I don’t forget to feed myself while I’m cooking for everyone else, I always make sure to keep a snack on hand … and maybe even a glass of wine!
2. Make a list
Make a list (and check it twice) of all the things that you need beforehand so that you’ll be ready on the big day. Start with your grocery list, then follow up with everything that you will need for the big day. Having a list will help ensure that things run smoothly, and that you’re not pulling your hair out.
3. Enlist help
We like to think that we can do it all alone, but there is no reason why you shouldn’t ask for and receive help. Get everyone involved and allocate a chore for each member of the family. The little ones can set the table while the grown-ups can help with bigger things such as the cooking. They’re all going to eat right? So why not enlist their help to get everything ready.
While all of these tips are helpful, I can’t stress how important #1 is to make sure you are energized throughout all the festivities. Alouette makes it easy to keep it together, especially in the snacking department. It’s sold at most grocery stores, so it’s quick to pick up while you’re shopping for other ingredients for the main event. For me while I’m in the kitchen preparing meals, especially my veggies for other meals, I can easily dip my veggies in the Alouette Garlic & Herbs Soft Spreadable Cheese spread. I simply pop the top off of the Garlic & Herbs Soft Spreadable Cheese and dip a few of the veggies that I’m cutting up for my other dishes. The spread tastes especially great with celery and carrots, which I use for my Cornish Hens, and cherry tomatoes which are used for my salads. I get to satiate my hunger without skipping a beat in the kitchen!
So even though you’re busy in the kitchen, I want to take this moment to remind you that it doesn’t mean that you should forget about yourself this holiday season. Keep Alouette Garlic & Herbs Soft Spreadable Cheese on hand. It’s great for all occasion and tastes amazing! Don’t just take my word for it. Give it a try yourself!
Have you yourself tried Aloutette Garlic & Herbs Soft Spreadable Cheese?
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