Coping With Hair Loss and Thinning Hair as a Woman

Losing hair affects both men and women equally, but it can be particularly devastating for women, affecting their confidence and self-worth. You’ve probably heard of alopecia, which is a commonly used term. 

But, how do you cope with hair loss and can you cope with it? While some women are strong enough to overcome this condition, others need additional support. According to some estimates, nearly 40% of women over the age of 70 suffer from baldness in some form.

Let’s focus on things you can do to overcome hair loss and live a normal life. 

Coping With Hair Loss and Thinning Hair

Different types of alopecia 

Whether it’s a thinning or a complete hair loss, you should be familiar with different types of alopecia. It can happen suddenly or gradually and affect the young and the old. Hair loss can be genetic or caused by extreme stress. 

This condition is a common side-effect of chemo. Also, women, after giving birth, tend to experience hair loss. 

However, we can sort hair loss into four categories: 

Androgenetic alopecia: is illustrated by thin hair on the front and top of the head, while hair remains thick at the back. It will affect almost one-third of women as they get older. This is a very similar condition to male baldness. A particular hormone affects hair follicles to produce thinner and thinner hair until it stops growing altogether. 

Alopecia areata: affecting only 2% of the population, alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. Eventually, women lose their hair completely, while hair tends to fall out in round patches. The good news is, in many cases, the hair that fell off will regrow in the future. 

Telogen effluvium: This includes a general shedding of the hair. An average person loses around 100 hairs daily. Sometimes medicine, illness, hormones, or stress can accelerate this process. However, telogen effluvium is a temporary hair loss; there is nothing to worry about. The hair will regrow within six months. 

Excessive styling: women tend to go overboard with hairstyling, heating tools, and products. If you wave or braid your hair, it can lead to hair loss. 

How to treat hair loss? 

Before you consider any treatment options, it’s important to consult your doctor because this might be a symptom of a dipper running issue. 

Minoxidil: many women resort to minoxidil because it’s the only proven treatment for hereditary hair loss. Nearly 25% of them experience regrowth while using this lotion. You can get it without a prescription. 

PRP: platelet-rich plasma treatment encourages follicles to produce new hair without medications. However, it’s recommended to research the cause and then try PRP treatment. 

Cover up: a lot of women decide to use wigs, makeup, or hair extensions to disguise their hair loss. Many of them will look for Indian hair vendors because they have the best extensions and wigs. 

Don’t try miracle cures: they usually never do what they promise and, in some cases, can do more harm than good. Don’t be fooled by these wonder products because it’s a waste of time and money. 

How to cope with hair loss? 

We should address the psychological impact right from the start. Even if you have experienced a temporary hair loss, it can still be hard to accept and learn to live with it. That’s why we have prepared a couple of tips you might find useful. 

Look for support groups

There are specially designed groups that offer support in these kinds of situations. This is a great way to meet other people and hear their experiences. 

Don’t fight it

We know it’s not easy to come to terms with hair loss, but try to focus on your other qualities and celebrate those attributes. 

Talk about it

It’s important to discuss hair loss with your loved ones. Let them know how you feel and what you expect of them. You would be surprised how much support people you love can offer you. 

Sometimes hair loss might affect your relationship with your partner. In such cases, we recommend couples counseling. 

Be patient

Hair loss in women is usually a temporary condition. However, regrowth is unpredictable and can last for months, if not years. Keep in mind that new hair can be any color and texture. 

Start loving yourself

Recent data shows that nearly 45% of women hide their hair loss from their closest ones. But being open about this condition can significantly improve your mental well-being. Spend some time pampering yourself, invest in a high-quality scalp moisturizer, and remember to wear sunscreen every day.

In Conclusion 

It’s not the end of the world to lose hair. Staying healthy, on the other hand, should be your top priority. Focus on physical and mental well-being, and your hair will grow back over time. 

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