Game Day Food: 3-Ingredient Pork Loin

Looking for an easy pork loin recipe? Try our 3-ingredient BBQ pork loin that’s perfect for game day parties and family gatherings. Football season is here, and that means I’ve got one happy husband! I’m not going to lie. If…

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Brown Sugar Cinnamon Bites

We are still in New York City and we are thoroughly enjoying ourselves and we can’t wait to share our experience with you with we get back. In the meantime however we want to share a dessert that will surely…

Blue Cheese & Bacon Deviled Eggs

We have really been on a blue cheese and bacon kick. I just love blue cheese and it’s not just good for buffalo wings, I tend to use it in a lot of things. You can even check out our blue…

Blue Cheese & Bacon Cheese Ball

In just a few hours it will be 2016 and if you’re like me you like to bring in the new year with a bang celebrating with family and friends. Celebrating also means time for appetizers and drinks. How about…

Eggnog Breakfast Cake with Eggnog Glaze

Are you still trying to decide what to make for breakfast on Christmas morning. If you’re like me you already have your dinner menu planned. That’s usually the first thing that I think of. However breakfast is a whole different…

Make it a Juicy Juice Christmas with Juicy Juice Apple Cider

The holidays are very quickly approaching. Christmas will be here in less than a week. My Christmas menu is planned and the kitchen will be filled with smells of marvelous food very shortly. I love to involve my kids in…

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