Watermelon Lemonade Slushy

Can you believe how quickly the summer seems to be going by? In just three weeks the kids will be back in school here in Colorado. While most love summer and the sunshine, I’m not totally a big fan. I…

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Authentic Garlic Bread

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a recipe or two with you. We’re big pasta eaters in our house and we try and have it at least once a week. However, we love bread just as much and try…

S’mores Marshmallow Pops

Summer officially starts on June 20th but with the weather we’ve been having, you would think that summer came early. Here in Colorado, we have had temperatures in the 90’s, and while I grew up in the Caribbean and have…

Finding Dory Fruit Punch

This Finding Dory Fruit Punch is sure to be a hit with the kids. As I’m typing this, Madison and I are currently watching Finding Nemo. While looking for a movie to watch for our movie night, I went into…

Homemade Beef & Onion Stroganoff

When it comes to being in the kitchen I’m a big fan of quick and easy meals. I am not a fan of meals that take a long time to prepare. It’s summer and we are currently having beautiful weather,…

Chicken & Spinach Penne (made with rotisserie chicken)

I’m a big fan of chicken, however, it’s not because I’m African American. It’s a big misconception that black people love chicken and watermelon, because honestly, I’m not a big fan of watermelon and Madison hates chicken. I also have…

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