6 Human Foods You Can Share With Your Dog

Many dog owners will acknowledge that their furry pet is a member of their family. And as a family member, you will want to treat them to something special from time to time. Sometimes this means giving them different treats…

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Key Things You Need to Know Before Buying a Horse

Buying a horse is a very joyous part of owning a horse. However, it should be thoroughly thought through so as not to make the mistake of grossly overpaying for a horse, or investing in one that doesn’t fit your…

Step by Step Guide Every Fishkeeper Should Follow

Are you a newbie in the fishkeeping business? There are tips that both you as a newbie and even the seasoned fishkeepers need to know.  This step-by-step guide will keep you informed on everything you need to know about fishkeeping.…

An Easy Way to Take Care of Your Dog’s Dental Health ~ #…

In honor of Pet Dental Health Month, I wanted to share the importance of maintaining your dog’s dental health. This post is sponsored by WHIMZEES® but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.. Bentley our adorable cocker spaniel has…

How to Easily Make Your Feline Friend Happy

So, you’re a cat parent! Having your furry feline friends around is one of the biggest joys, no matter if your cat is the soft cuddly kind or more of an energetic playful pet. All cats have different personalities and,…

Is It a Good Idea to Have a Pet Snake?

 Millions of people all over the world love nature, whether it’s beautiful landscapes, sunny beaches, or animals and birds. Some people take a special interest in subjects like gardening or ornithology.  A person may have had a long term interest…

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