Getting Your Child Involved in Sports

With school back in session on the West and for those going back to school in the East, getting your children involved in sports is a great way to encourage exercise and social interaction. Plus, it’s just downright fun for…

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Baby Shower Essentials

Discover the must-have essentials for planning a memorable baby shower. From décor to food, ensure a perfect celebration for the mommy-to-be. It has become a common tradition for expectant mothers to have a baby shower. Usually, friends or family will…

How to Plan the Perfect Birthday Party for Your Child

Is your child turning a year older this year? As kids get older, it can be hard to plan the perfect birthday party for them. That’s why it’s important to have the right tips to help you plan for this…

Bedtime Routine Tips

With as much as small children run around and play all throughout the day, you would think that they would be exhausted come bedtime. Yet, it never fails that mom is the one who is exhausted while the kids are…

How to Clean and Organize Stuffed Animals

If you have children than you probably have way too many stuffed animals hanging out in every nook and cranny of your home. They often get food on them or even dropped in the mud puddle out in your own…

Teaching Your Child to Take Care of a New Pet

While this blog primarily belongs to Madison, I have been having a great time sharing my parenting tips with you. Today I want to share something that most parents have to deal with. As you are aware we have some…

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