Getting Your Picky Eater to Try New Foods

Do you have a picky eater at home? If your child is a picky eater, you know how frustrating it can be preparing the same meal for the millionth time in a row. It can be extremely difficult to get…

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Dry Baby Happy Baby

There’s nothing like waking up with a wet diaper on your bum. Trust me I know! I have been using Pampers since birth and I can say with certainty that a dry baby means a very happy baby. Happy babies…

Going on a Nature Walk with Your Child

Are you looking for some ways to spend quality time with your child? A great way to get out and spend some time with your kid is to go on a nature walk together. You can use the time it…

Getting Your Child Ready for Kindergarten

Do you have a child or preschooler starting kindergarten this school year? Kindergarten is an exciting time for any kid. Not only do they get to ride the bus and eat in the cafeteria, they get to learn important skills…

Ways to Incorporate Learning Into Your Toddler’s Day‏

For toddlers between the ages of one and three, learning looks a whole lot like playing. After all, play is how they discover all about the world and how it works. If you have a toddler this age, don’t worry…

Inspiring Creativity in Your Child

You might think all kids are born with creativity instilled in their minds, but this is not always true. Although some children are more apt to be creative, this is a skill you can encourage in your children. Check out…

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