What to Do When Your Toddler Shouts NO!

You know how precocious this age can be if you have a toddler. Your little baby is growing up, becoming more independent. Although this newfound toddler independence can be a good thing, you also know that your toddler could start…

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Keeping Your Kids Reading Over Christmas Break

Your kids are about to start a two week break from school. You’ll probably fill their days with play dates and sleepovers, but what about learning? Just because your kids are on Christmas vacation doesn’t mean they need to take…

Winter Activities Your Kids Will Love

Tomorrow is officially the first day of Winter. Yes Winter will officially be here! That means months filled with cold and snowy days although we’ve been having cold and snowy days since the Fall. Although your first instinct might be…

Things to do Over Christmas Break

Can you believe that the holidays are right around the corner? That means you get to look forward to having the kids at home for a few weeks. Although it’s nice to spend the holidays with family, having the kids…

How to Help Kids Cope with Holiday Stress

The holidays are full of exciting adventures, new toys, visits from relatives and late nights. All the new experiences and outside stimulation can also be the causes of stress for adults as well as children. It’s easy to get so…

How to Survive the Holidays with Kids from Safety 1st

According to AAA, last year 94.5 million people were on the roads, train tracks, or in the skies during the holiday season.  That’s a lot of people! Then add your own kids into the mix of congestion and for some,…

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