Getting Your Toddler to Stay in Their Bed

Time for Bed. These three words have magical powers. Not only do toddlers immediately get amazing bursts of energy as soon as you say those three words, but they also discover that they are hungry, thirsty, and need to go…

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Ways to Make Chores Fun

In the past few days, we learned how to introduce chores to your kids. Next, we dealt with how to get your kids to do chores once you’ve introduced that chore. We all know that once we’ve gotten them to do…

Getting Your Kids to Do Chores

Kids can be stubborn about chores. This can be frustrating for parents since they’re the ones that end up doing all of the extra housework. If you’re struggling to get your kids motivated to do their chores, these tips will…

Introducing Chores to Your Kids

This is a 3 part series so come back tomorrow and the day after for the others. With Spring Cleaning coming up you will more than likely be asking the kids to help out around the house. Are your kids…

How to Make Watercolor Cookies {Guest Post}

We very rarely have guest posters on Growing Up Madison and when we do, you know that it has to be someone very special. I met Sarah at Ruffles and Rain Boots and fell in love with her blog. She does the…

Why Your Children Should Read Dr. Seuss Books

Dr. Seuss has been around for years, the rhymes, the colors, the words of wisdom. We all remember the books from our own childhood, and they are still just as popular for our own children. Below is a list of…

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