Pros & Cons of Sending Your Child to Pre-School

Sending your child to preschool is a personal choice that every family must choose for themselves. Personally, now that I am a Stay At Home Mom I have been actively contemplating homeschooling Madison. While I know that she will have…

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Angels on my Pillow – Baby Receiving Blanket

What’s more adorable than a new human baby, well besides new puppies and kittens? Nothing I can think of. There’s something special about having a new baby, something that just makes everyone saw awww. There’s lots of preparation involved when…

25 Ways to Get Kids Moving This Spring

You may have noticed that we have been missing for a while here in the internet hemisphere. We decided to take a break and have been enjoying the outdoors. I have actually enjoyed getting away from the world wide web…

Social Media Guidelines to Keep Your Kids Safe

Are your kids on social media? Social media is a popular means for kids and adults alike to communicate and connect. Social media can be a great way for your kids to communicate with friends and family, but it can…

Outside Spring Activities for Kids

Spring is finally here! Your kids have been cooped up inside all winter long, so start planning some spring fun outside. Not sure what to do? Here are a few outdoor spring activities you can do with your kids. Blow…

Best Ways to Handle Separation Anxiety

I remember the days of my military career, there would be times when I had to leave my now 3 year old for weeks on end. It was tough for me but especially tougher on her. I remember the first…

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