Earn More Cash for Your School with Extra Box Tops at Walmart

Back to school shopping is over in terms of buying the school supplies, the clothing but it’s  never over when it comes to food. It seems like my kids are bottomless pits and can never eat enough. However when I…

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Wet Ones Makes Lunch Clean-Up a Breeze & Our PB&J Sushi Rolls – #…

Now that Madison is actually in school I have been trying to come up with simple ideas for lunch. I’m not the best chef and while I love cooking, preparing snacks is not my cup of tea. However my pre-schooler…

Planning the Perfect Pamper Party

I try and use every opportunity there is to pamper myself. I don’t have to do it with a friend but pampering all alone seems to work for me. Once a month I get my manicure and pedicure and I…

12 Essential Items to Keep in Your Garage

I have to admit that I’m one of those people who use their garage to store almost everything. Sometimes there isn’t much room for my car. I keep saying I need to clean it out, but how many of us…

Is Your Family Ready for an Emergency?

On August 14, 2003, I remember that around noon I was actually in the kitchen preparing lunch for my son Kyle, who was 2 at the time. Suddenly, the lights went out. I knew I had paid Con Edison, our…

Don’t Forget Your Wet Ones – #WishIHadWetOnes

I like clean and I mean being clean. I’m not a fan of messes and germs, not at all. With everything that’s been going on, all the new diseases that have been popping up, I would prefer to have a…

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