Top 5 Most Expensive Holidays

The holidays are meant to be a beautiful, joyful time when you reconnect with friends and family. In reality, they tend to be stressful, dreaded, depressing, and full of anxiety. Five of the top eleven holiday stressors involve money.  The top…

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6 Reasons Why You’re Overeating

I remember the days when I was in my early twenties and wore a size 2. Those days are long gone and I’m not going to sit in front of my computer and pretend I don’t know how it happened.…

The Pet Mouse You Won’t Hesitate to Give Your Kids

I am a New Yorker and if it’s one thing that I’ve seen is my fair share of rodents. From the subways to apartments, they are everywhere. I remember once visiting a friend and seeing a mouse scurry across floor…

You Won’t Be Afraid of This Spider

Are you afraid of spiders? I really can’t say that I am. I grew up where there was always a tiny spider of some sort walking around. My kids on the other hand are deathly afraid of anything with more…

6 Hobbies to Make You Feel Young

I stare at myself in the mirror on an almost daily basis and can’t believe that less than a year from now I’ll be the big 4-0. While I like hearing others say “well you don’t look like you’re going…

Trick-or-Treating Alternatives for a Rainy Halloween

Can you believe that in just a few weeks, the kids will be dressed up in their costumes and will be going trick-or-treating? I’m going to be honest, I’m really not a big fan. One year I remember sending the…

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