The Impact Home Renovations Have on Your Home’s Value

Home renovation projects come in all sizes and budgets, all to increase the value of one’s home. Renovating your home can cost between twenty and twenty-five cents on the dollar. The other seventy-five to eighty cents will go back into…

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7 Home Items You Need to Clean Regularly

House cleaning is something that people mostly see as a significant burden. The dust comes back practically in a day, and windows get dirty after one morning of dew. Unfortunately, those are only the necessary chores you pay attention to.…

Home Improvement Tips: How to Make the Most out of Your Basement

Looking to renovate your basement to get an extra living space for yourself or turn it into an extra room for relatives and friends who come over? There are plenty of ways to make the most out of your basement,…

How to Prepare Your Guest Bathroom for Unexpected Guests ~ #AmericanStandard

You know the ones I’m talking about! The guests who show up unexpectedly without first calling ahead. How do you ensure that your bathroom is ready and your toilet is clean? By having the ActiClean Self Cleaning Toilet by American…

Fabulous Plants for Your Fabulous Garden

The secret of having a fabulous garden is to mix colorful blooming plants with foliage that gives a variety of textures and forms together. If you are not afraid to play with colors and forms, you will have a unique…

Bathroom Makeover Inspirations

Are you looking to give your bathroom a makeover? Today we’re sharing a few product ideas that will make your bathroom pop. In a few short days my family and I will be on vacation. It’s something that we desperately…

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