It’s OK to Have a Watchitude

We all have our own unique style. We all like what we like no matter what anyone says and that’s great! When I had my kids I knew they would all be different and they haven’t proven me wrong. My…

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Get Your Kids Brushing with the FOREO ISSA mikro

As soon as your little one shows signs of their very first tooth we start thinking of teeth brushing and the dentist. As a matter of fact, I started way before Madison got her first tooth because I would use…

Get Summer Ready in KidCuteTure

There are some things that are reminiscent of summer. When you hear the word summer, you think sun, sand, sandals, and of course the beach. I am not a fan of old man winter and at the hint of sunshine,…

Test Your Children with the TB Blood Test. #TBBloodTest

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of DiMe Media for the TB Blood Test. Being a military family and being a former armed forces service member, I can’t tell you how much vaccines/shots I’ve gotten over the years.…

Lily Nily Kids Jewelry Collection

Madison, at the tender age of four, is now becoming more aware of jewelry, and there are days when she will go into my jewelry box and try them on. She loves to play dress-up, and I allow it because…

Madison’s Haircare Regimen with My Honey Child Haircare Products

First, let me begin by saying that this is NOT a sponsored post. All products were purchased with my own money. I’ve been meaning to write this post for some time now but I’m finally getting around to it. Like…

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