These Hairstyles are Just For Me…and you too! – #JustForMeJustForSchool

If you’re the mother of an African-American child, then you’ll appreciate my struggle. You know the one of washing and combing your African-American child’s naturally curly hair. Madison was born with a head full of hair, and the older she…

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Drink More Water!

Water is the healthiest thing that you can put in your body (unless you’re drowning, and then it’s probably oxygen). The sad truth is that many people today are not drinking nearly enough water to make their body live up…

Robert Matthew Vegan Handbags

I grew up with two big brothers and for a while I was the little “brother” that all his friends knew. As I grew older I remember thinking, why wasn’t I born a boy? I mean I just loved dressing…

7 Uses for Pumpkin Oil

It’s Pumpkin Season and you may love pumpkin flavored desserts and treats, and you may love the taste of pumpkin seeds. But what do you know about pumpkin oil? Pumpkin oil is one of the often overlooked oils, as most…

How to Create Your Personal Signature Look

Have you ever wanted to have a signature look? Maybe you want to simplify the process of getting dressed in the morning, or maybe you’re in a career where having a “signature look” actually makes a difference. DJs, music artists,…

Back to School Trends at JCPenney – #SoWorthIt

This post was done in collaboration with JCPenney. School officially begins today here in the beautiful state of Colorado, and while those on the East Coast have just a few more weeks to go, we’ve had to get our school…

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