Getting Ready for High School Picture Day with Invisalign® ~ #Invisalign #InvisalignSmile

School has been back in session for a while, and that means picture day is fast approaching! While most of the country goes back to school after Labor Day, our kids start at the beginning of August, so they’ve been…

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Stroke – Risk Factors & Warning Signs ~ #WorldStrokeDay

It was March 2009, and we had just celebrated my daughters birthday party the weekend before, when I received a phone call that my uncle had suffered from a stroke. What? Wasn’t he just up and walking around while enjoying…

Getting Mikael’s Smile on Track this Year ~ #Invisalign

Not too long ago, I shared that my son Mikael was getting a boost of confidence. Not only was he finally getting his smile fixed, but we were doing it using Invisalign® treatment. This post was sponsored by the Invisalign brand and all…

3 Easy Ways I Make My Heart Happy

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.  This post is sponsored by Honey Nut Cheerios, but all opinions are mine alone.  There are few things I love besides my family, and one of them is traveling. Visiting a…

Dressing for Comfort & Style This Summer

Let’s face it, dressing well in incredible heat is not an easy task. Either you look perfect for work and are internally, and probably externally, burning up, or you feel uncomfortably informal but not overheated. Finding a happy medium may…

Simple Way I’m Boosting My Teen Son’s Confidence ~ #Invisalign

A quick search on my site would bring up numerous articles on helping your kids with their confidence and self-esteem, and you would think that I’d be a professional on the topic, especially with having four kids. I’m however far…

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