What You Should Know Before Getting a Hair Transplant

 So you’ve decided to get a hair transplant. You’re by no means alone. The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) found that there has been an amazing 157% increase in hair transplant patients between 2008 – 2019. Asia was…

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Weight Loss Surgery: Are There Any Risks?

 If you are reading this, it is likely that you know one or two approaches to weight loss. The best guess would be that you know a thing or two about exercise, dieting, and supplements. Well, it is not unlikely…

How Effective Are At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits?

 A large number of people suffer from discoloration of their teeth. But it is in no way a problem that can’t be resolved. You can get a sparkling smile by choosing one out of several teeth whitening methods. One of…

The Final Verdict on Red Meat: Healthy or Not

 A few years back, we were bummed at the outrageous announcement that red meat is dangerous for our health. Some health experts went as far as announcing that consuming it has been linked to cancer. It took us a few…

What Every Woman Should Know About Mineral Makeup

Mineral makeup is a popular choice for women who want to look their best. But what is it, and what sets it apart from other types of makeup? There are so many more brands and types of makeup out there…

Stress Relief 101: Here’s What You Need to Do

 It’s natural for humans to feel stressed. After all, it’s an integral part of the human experience. Stress helps us push through our limits and break out of the shackles we’ve chained ourselves within the all-too-familiar comfort zone. Although a…

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