How to Celebrate Earth Day with Kids

Earth Day was founded in 1970 by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson to bring about more environmental awareness and to urge both the government and the public to make stronger conservation efforts. We celebrate the day on April 22nd every year,…

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7 Tips for Raising Earth-Friendly Kids

Our children are the future caretakers of this planet, so it is important we show them exactly how to care for it. Raising earth-friendly kids is important because it gives them the skills they need to take care of the…

7 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day with Kids

Earth Day is quickly approaching, so there has never been a better time to gather the kids and show them how to care for our beautiful planet Earth! If you are unsure about what the best way to celebrate Earth…

10 Tips for Teaching Your Child About Recycling

Recycling appears to be a difficult task, but when you break it down, it is actually fairly straightforward. Learning to recycle as a family is a significant matter, and you can teach your children how to recycle by following these…

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