How to Find Advertisers for your Blog

Have a blog and not sure how to find advertisers? We share some tips that may be able to help you. One of the best ways to start earning revenue from your blog is to get direct advertisers. Sure you…

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My Social Media Is Not Worth $5 – #FOH

Don’t email me with your nonsense, my social media is NOT worth $5! I have been in a bit of ranting rave the past couple of weeks so when given the opportunity by Squash the Beef to voice my rant…

Why I’m Not Visiting Your Website

It’s really not you, it’s me, but I just had to tell you that this is why I’m not visiting your site! AnnMarie here, and most of my friends know that I have an arid sense of humor and can…

How to Promote your Business Using Instagram

I’ve been asked constantly, “How do you promote your business using Instagram?” And, “How do you do so well?”. There is no magic, and no secret either. While I use a management team to run my Instagram business, there are…

5 Blogging Tips for Beginners

Today I want to share some blogging tips for those starting their blogging journey. With all of the talk about blogging for income, there’s no wonder more blogs are popping up all over the internet. It’s not as easy as…

TrueTwit Validation = Spam

Lately I have been trying to build my Twitter followers. I have a love-hate relation with Facebook since they seem to be changing their algorithm every couple of days. Just when you think you’ve figured it out, they change it…

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