How to Convert a School Bus into a Tiny House

Are you looking for a tiny home on a shoestring budget? Maybe you’d like to hit the road and explore the country on your own terms? If the answer is yes, you might consider buying an old school bus. There…

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How to Drive More Mindfully and Prevent Road Mishaps

Learn how you can drive mindfully to enhance your driving. Getting into a car crash can lead to accidents, economic struggles, and even emotional turmoil. Is there something that you should have done to stop this from happening? The road…

How Using a Rental Car After a Crash Impacts Your Lifestyle

 If you get in a car wreck, you probably want nothing more than for things to return to normal afterward. They can, but it’s going to take a while, and there are several steps you’ll have to go through in…

Taking Your Bike On A Long-Distance Trip? Here Are Some Safety Tips …

Taking a ride on your bike has many benefits. Whether you do it for sport or to get around the city, cycling is a fun way to get some exercise, and the fresh air will do you a world of…

Pass This Test To Get The Green Light On Teaching Your Teen …

 Like their first day of uni or a new job, seeing your teen drive for the first time can make you feel incredibly proud. After all, this rite of passage is a huge step towards independence. At least, it is…

5 Things to do With Your Old Car

 There usually comes a time when you will want a new vehicle. Changing circumstances in life whether it’s for practicality or you just want to treat yourself, sometimes dictate that it’s time to trade up or consider some other things…

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