Make it a Juicy Juice Christmas with Juicy Juice Apple Cider

The holidays are very quickly approaching. Christmas will be here in less than a week. My Christmas menu is planned and the kitchen will be filled with smells of marvelous food very shortly. I love to involve my kids in…

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White Chocolate Peppermint Popcorn

I have been in the kitchen all weekend long preparing delicious snacks with my little girl Madison. She loves sweets and you may have heard me mention that I just absolutely hate giving out candy. I buy organic lollipops but…

Peppermint Brownie Bark

When you think of the holidays you think of peppermint and whenever I think of peppermint I think of candy canes. While I love using them to decorate my Christmas tree there are lots of other uses for those delicious…

Blueberry Bread with Cinnamon Vanilla Glaze

Even though I’ve shared numerous recipes on the blog, I think this is one of the toughest I’ve ever had to write. It will be my very first Christmas without having my mother. I can technically call myself an orphan…

Roasted Tomato Basil Soup

It’s been soup weather for the past couple of days. Just a few days ago we had unbelievable weather where you could have gone outdoors in just shorts and a tank top. Now the weather has changed where you have…

Cranberry Vanilla Breakfast Cake

For as long as I can remember I’ve always been a fan of cranberries. It might be the fact that my mother always had a bottle of cranberry juice in the refrigerator. According to her it helped to prevent UTI’s…

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