Taking Your Bike On A Long-Distance Trip? Here Are Some Safety Tips To Remember

Taking a ride on your bike has many benefits. Whether you do it for sport or to get around the city, cycling is a fun way to get some exercise, and the fresh air will do you a world of good. However, long trips require thorough contemplation as you’ll have to take extra safety precautions. To ensure that you are prepared for the journey, follow these safety tips to avoid risky situations on the road. 


It goes without saying that you shouldn’t attempt to take your bike on a long-distance trip if you don’t have enough experience. This journey will vastly differ from your regular trips around the block. You will need to know how to ride when surrounded by multiple cars, including large vehicles and trucks, on a foreign road. This requires you to be mindful of your speed and alert for cars that may unexpectedly pull out of their driveway or change lanes as you’re passing. Moreover, some roads on your trip might be narrow and curvy, so if you don’t have a good grasp on an evasive maneuver, you could get into an accident. 


As mentioned above, you might face some narrow and curvy roads and the last thing you want is to be met with terrain you weren’t prepared for. Therefore, it’s best to study the route you’ll take to ensure there are no surprises. By taking the time to plan your route, you will feel far more comfortable heading out on the highway. Moreover, this will help you know where the gas stations and rest stops are. 


Before embarking on your adventure, you must inspect your bike to ensure it is in good condition. In other words, make the necessary safety checks and assess the condition of the wheels and lights to ensure everything is working properly. Moreover, check your oil, air filter, and chain to see if you need to replace any parts before you hit the road. Finally, make sure you fill-up the gas tank in case you don’t pass a gas station on the road for a while. 

It’s best to err on the side of caution before embarking on any long bike ride. However, no matter how prepared you are and how well you have inspected your bike, accidents can still happen. Even if you’ve swapped your motorcycle for a bicycle, the LA and Bakersfield-based bicycle accident lawyers explain that there are some common accidents all cyclists need to be aware of. If you happen to get into an accident on the road, it’s important to determine whether the accident was caused by another party or if it was your own fault. If irresponsible riders or drivers are the reason you are in this predicament, then you must consult a lawyer in your local area to help you build a strong case and recover rightful compensation for your suffering. 


Understandably, you may be in a hurry to get to your destination; however, rushing can lead to accidents. Prepare in advance to wake up refreshed on the day of your trip to ensure that you’re alert on the road. Avoid speeding and take breaks as necessary, even if it’ll make you fall behind on your schedule. Safety overrides speed, always. 


Be sure to check the weather forecast before heading out to ensure that you’re dressed appropriately for the trip. Wear something comfortable and easy to ride in, and pack extra layers as necessary. Moreover, you must reapply sunscreen throughout the trip and bring your sunglasses to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays. Don’t forget to wear comfortable riding shoes, gloves, and a helmet for safety. 


As mentioned above, being pressed for time is not ideal. Do your best to fit rest breaks in your itinerary and avoid driving when you’re tired or drowsy. Furthermore, to ride to the best of your ability, take regular breaks to rest, drink plenty of water, and eat. This will fuel you up and restore your energy. 


There are some safety essentials that you cannot do without. You should always pack a first-aid kit when traveling along with your passport and other important documentation if you’ll be crossing borders on your trip. Furthermore, it’s wise to stay in touch with loved ones and notify them of where you are when you reach a rest stop in case of emergencies. So, don’t forget your charger and make sure your phone is fully charged before the trip so you can contact someone if you find yourself lost in the middle of nowhere or happen to get into an accident. Lastly, earplugs are essential to drown out the excess noise on the road. 

It’s important to prepare in advance for any long trip. Whether you’re hopping on your motorbike or bicycle, there is a lot that goes into the preparation phase. Follow the tips above and start planning for your trip by inspecting your bike, packing the essentials, and getting a good night’s sleep before the ride. Lastly, make sure you have emergency contacts on your phone in case your trip goes awry. 

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