6 Tips To Successfully Become a Freelance Web Developer in 2022

It is undeniable that the pandemic has affected many aspects of our lives, especially our work and professional life. If you have re-evaluated your expectations and priorities, you might have decided to join the ongoing “Great Resignation” movement and decided to become a freelance web developer in 2022. 

What’s great about this choice is that web and software developers have never been as in demand as they are today. And, according to statistics by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities in this field are likely to increase at a whopping rate of over 22% in the next 8 years. 

So, undoubtedly, becoming a freelance web developer has its advantages, including the ability to work from anywhere, be your own boss, and develop your skills as you prefer. However, becoming a freelancer also means running a business – here are a few tips worth considering to succeed. 

Become a Freelance Web Developer

Find Your Niche and Never Stop Learning

The world of web development is vast, and there are over 700 programming languages out there to choose from. Of course, you won’t be able to master all of these – but the good thing is that you don’t have to! 

Before becoming a freelance developer, it is a good idea to choose your niche and the programming language you wish to specialize in. Over time, you might consider expanding your knowledge and refining your skills to provide a greater range of services. However, at first, you should consider opting for offering specialized services and focusing on one of the most common programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, and JavaScript. 

Create a Portfolio and Collect Testimonials

If you are just launching your freelance business, you will need to start building a solid customer base. To do so, your portfolio, case studies, reviews, and testimonials can make a difference. After all, if you are not well-known in the industry yet, your new clients will need to find a way to trust your skills and knowledge before investing in your services. 

If you are unsure how to land your first client, consider working for free on a few minor projects to start building your portfolio, or provide the first customers with significant discounts.

Decide Where To Sell Your Skills – And Market Yourself

If you are a freelance developer, the platform you choose to sell your skills can make a difference in the quality and quantity of clients you will receive. There is more than one option to grow your customer base and start building customer loyalty:

  • Platforms such as UpWork and Fiverr – while these platforms require you to pay a commission on your earnings, they are set up to help you be more discobreable by customers actively looking for your skills. These platforms are also excellent to display your portfolio.
  • Your own professional website – building a professional website is ideal to showcase your skills and promote your portfolio
  • Social media platforms – social media platforms are an affordable way to start building connections with your customers.

Invest in Professional Tools

If you have decided to leave your 9-to-5 life behind and become a freelance developer, your might be living the dream of a lifestyle. Now, you can work from anywhere, choose your client, and dedicate yourself to exciting projects. However, don’t forget that you are also running a business, and it is important to invest in tools that can help you make the most out of your day at work

Here are some tools you shouldn’t skimp on:

  • Hardware – whether you are running your business from your home office or from a co-working space, you will need at least a powerful laptop, processors, storage, and keyboards.
  • Software – software and programming tools can help you offer professional services to your clients.
  • Productivity tools – when working from home, you might struggle to keep up with a strict routine. Make sure to use productivity and scheduling tools to work on your work-life balance. 

Outsource the Right Services

As a freelance web developer, you might be specializing in one or more skills. However, there are some services that you can outsource to make your day more productive and your results more professionals and efficient. 

For example, you might consider the benefits of investing in all-in-one APIs and payment providers for website developers. You might also benefit from outsourced security tools. And, certain non-core tasks – such as marketing yourself – might be more efficient when taken on by a professional!


Don’t forget that no small business is an island, and you won’t be able to survive alone. Make sure to continue networking with your competitors, colleagues, and professionals offering services complementary to yours, such as cybersecurity experts, graphic designers, and digital marketers.

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