Be Proactive with Your Health Goals #LifeSum

Today I share how Lifesum is helping me to stick to my goal of living and eating healthier.

I’m on a journey, a life-changing journey. As a mother of 4, my life can get really hectic. As a mother of a pre-schooler it can get even worse. I remember being in the best shape of my life when I was in the military. I could run 5 miles in under an hour, do push-ups and sit-ups like there was no tomorrow and still be able to do everything that I needed to do. However, upon retiring two years ago, I have really let myself go. You don’t see it but I do. For those that see my photos that I post online, you may think and say that I look great, however, what you don’t really see is the belly fat and the love handles, as I like to call them. The things that truly make me feel insecure about myself, and almost stopped me from sharing the true me online.

I want to get in shape, I want to eat healthier and be healthier. What I’m going to be doing is not just for me, but also for my children. This is my body and it’s my health and it’s definitely worth investing in. After all I have a 5 year old who I would love to see grow up, graduate from college and get married.

Here’s something that you may not know, but I want to be transparent with you. I am 5′ 10″ and 180lbs. My ideal weight is 160lbs, so I currently have 20lbs to lose. I know, I know, it doesn’t look as if I’m overweight, but I am. I have been looking into ways for me to start monitoring what I eat, and to keep me accountable. I know that in the long run it’s really all going to be me, but I wanted a head start. I recently downloaded Lifesum premium and I have to say that I love it, and I have already lost 2lbs since I have started using it. It might not seem like a lot, but when you’ve been struggling to lose weight, every pound is an achievement.

With Lifesum I am able to track my meals, my exercises, and also my water intake. I don’t drink as much water as I should, not because I don’t like drinking water, but because I don’t think that I need it. However, we all know how important water is to your body. With Lifesum, I am able to see how much water I drank that day so I could do better the next day, or even catch up and drink more if I can. I was able to unlock recipes that matches my healthy eating plan that I’ve decided on doing, but they also have vegetarian and vegan recipes for those who follow that lifestyle.

I have started going back to the gym because I’ll be taking our family summer vacation in just a few short weeks and I’d love to look great in my swimwear when I do. When I’m not able to go to the gym, I work out on my treadmill at home and use my free weights. I can track my workout so that I don’t overdo it. Sometimes it’s the little things that keep us in check. Lifesum premium is just what I’ve been looking for and I’m enjoying the full experience.

So join me on this life-changing journey. Maybe you want to lose a few pounds, or monitor what you eat. Maybe you want to start eating healthier and increase your water intake or maybe even work out more. Lifesum can help you do all that, so download Lifesum and let it help you reach your health goals.

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