Bariatric Surgery: How to Avoid Missing Essential Vitamins

Bariatric surgery is a collective term for gastric bypass and weight-loss surgeries. Certain changes are made to your digestive system in order for you to lose excess weight. In most cases, bariatric surgery is a last resort, after exercise and dieting refuse to work resulting in serious health and weight-related problems.

Bariatric surgery works by limiting the amount of food you can take. In other instances, it reduces your body’s ability to take in nutrients. Despite its many advantages, bariatric surgery is not for everyone. There are several risks involved and you will have to make some permanent dietary and lifestyle changes like regular exercise for the surgery to be successful.

After the surgery, you have to ensure you are getting the proper nutrients to avoid getting nutritional deficiencies. With the reduced diet, your body might not be getting all the nutrients it requires which is where vitamins and supplements come in. 

Just after surgery, the supplements you take are supposed to be in liquid form or bariatric fusion complete chewable. You can progress to pill form later on once you heal. It is difficult to make such a huge change in your diet life and forgetting to feed your body the nutrients it deserves is common. Here is a guide on how to avoid missing essential vitamins.

Bariatric Surgery Vitamins

1. Take multivitamins

You have to take a chewable multivitamin every day. It should contain at least eighteen milligrams of iron. There are several companies that contain multivitamin formulas. Multivitamins also don’t require a prescription so they are easily available. However, if you prefer children’s chewable vitamins you can take those but in an adult’s dose, two tablets every day.

2. Take calcium

 After surgery, you can easily get affected by a calcium deficiency or bone disease, or nerve and muscle dysfunction. You should take 2000mg of calcium carbonate or 1500mg of calcium concentrate on a daily basis. Since absorption might be a problem, spread out your dosage three times a day. Remember that you should not take calcium at the same time as multivitamins with iron since iron affects the absorption of calcium.

3. Take vitamin D

Vitamin D should be taken daily with calcium supplements, A dose of 400 to IU two times a day. If you want to, you can combine vitamin D and calcium supplements provided it is in the proper doses.

4. Take vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is usually used to combat memory loss, boost energy levels and strengthen your immune system. You should take five hundred micrograms of vitamin B every day. You can decide to take it as a monthly injection or as a tablet, which you place under your tongue.

In Conclusion

Many factors come into play when considering what your vitamin regimen will be. Factors such as, your procedure type, your lab work results, health needs, and concerns. Chewable and liquid options are comfortable and they prevent stomach discomfort, therefore opt for that when taking your vitamins. 
If the medication you’re taking is too big, consult with your doctor for better options. Other than taking vitamins remember that exercise and drinking water is vital after your bariatric surgery.

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