9 Adventure Sports You Must Try

Are you looking to get high on an adrenaline rush? Do you want to try sports that are thrilling enough to make you forget about the world around you? Well, adventure sports are just the right fit for your needs. They test your limits and give you a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

While there are several thrilling adventure sports, here are our favorites. Also, as you go down the list, you will simultaneously find the sports becoming more adventurous and scary. So, let the countdown begin!

Mountain Biking

Do you love cycling but are tired of the smooth roads and parks? Do you want to test your skills and go on an adventure with your bike? Then, mountain biking is just the right sport for you to try. The unpredictable mountain trail, along with its bumps here and there, will surely excite you. Going down the mountain and controlling your bike at the same time will be a fun task that will not only use up your energy, but will also be a test of your skills. 

But before you go for this sport, check out the different types of mountain bikes available so that you can compare your bike with a good one. You wouldn’t want to get stranded in the middle of the mountain because your bike was unsuitable for the rough journey. 

Scuba Diving

If you love water or are fascinated by life under the sea, we have the perfect adventure for you. Scuba diving introduces you to the fascinating world of under the water and its limitless fauna and flora. 

Wearing the full gear and diving into the unknown realms of the sea is an exciting experience. While it does not make your heart skip a beat like several other sports mentioned in this list, this activity does promise some breathtaking views under the sea that will be an unforgettable experience.


This adventure sport is slightly different from the ones mentioned before, but triggers an equal amount of adrenaline rush. Also referred to as spelunking, caving involves the elements of mystery, exploration, and lots of fun.

You visit isolated caves and explore them either alone or with friends. It involves discovering new parts of the cave. And if you are lucky, you might even find fascinating gems. The best part of this activity is that it doesn’t cost a lot, and you don’t need any level of expertise to enjoy it.


The US is full of places for ziplining, and it is one of the best sports for thrill seekers. Participants get a chance to glide in the sky, surrounded by beautiful yet shockingly dangerous views. During this sport, a person zip lines along a cable from a distance above the ground. The speed can vary from place to place, and once you try it, you will probably get addicted to it.

The cost and length of the zipline vary from place to place. And it’s the perfect sport for that rush of adrenaline, especially if you are scared of heights and want to try out something that helps you conquer it. Moreover, ziplining is a much better option for people who are far too afraid to go bungee jumping but want to try something adventurous and over the top.


Do you want to go on an adventure with your friends or family? Then, kayaking is just the right adventure sport fit for the masses. It involves paddling on smooth lakes and rivers as well as roaring rapids. If you want to go on this adventure to spend quality time, opt for the easily accessible calm lakes and rivers. However, if you want to do something wild together, opt for rivers with rapid flow, as the water here is fast and unpredictable. You might even fall from your kayak, so only go for this sport if you know how to swim.

Volcano Boarding

Remember the Life and Death Brigade in Gilmore Girls and the wild activities they did for the adrenaline rush? Volcano boarding fits into that category and is ideal for those who are not only adventure freaks but also enjoy escaping death.

This sport involves climbing an active volcano while wearing safety gear and descending it at a breakneck speed that sometimes goes as fast as 50 miles/hour. The speed, high temperatures, and risk factors associated with volcanos make this an extremely deadly activity.

Bungee Jumping

Do you have a strong heart and are ready to see your life flash before you? Then, bungee jumping is just the perfect activity for you. It involves diving down from a height of 100 meters or above and reaching close to the ground in no time. 

But don’t worry, all safety measures are taken as you are connected to a cord and are also made to wear safety gear. You can even flaunt your once-in-a-lifetime adventure by getting professional pictures clicked or wearing a cam to record your entire experience.

Hand Gliding

Hand gliding is quite similar to paragliding, with a few additions that only make it better and more adventurous. This aerial sport allows you to become a bird as you jump down a cliff holding onto a hand glider.

The complete control of your journey to the ground is up to you as you operate the hand glider under the open sky. From the direction to the speed – everything has to be controlled by your hands and body weight. Hence, it would be best if you take some training for this adventure so that nothing goes wrong when you are on your own.

Cliff Diving

Nothing says being on top of the world like cliff diving. And it is exactly as its name describes it, i.e., jumping from a high cliff into water (Woah). While this sounds pretty simple compared to many of the adventure sports described above, it is one of the most exhilarating sports you will ever try. 

The adrenaline rush as you jump from the cliff, falling under the force of gravity, is incredible. And all you will have on your mind just before you touch the sea below is that you want to do it again. After all, this adventure sport takes you in the moment and makes you forget about the entire world.

In Conclusion 

An adrenaline rush can be pretty addictive, and the sports mentioned in this list will help you quench your thirst for thrill and desire. Before you go, be sure to watch tutorials, get training, and invest in the necessary safety gear.

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