Hi there! Welcome to AnnMarie John!

A Quick Introduction
I’m AnnMarie John, a 40-something-year-old retired army veteran, amateur photographer, and mom of four to Krissy, Kyle, Mikael, and Madison. Our home also consists of three Tibetan Mastiff brothers (Buddy, Rocky, and MotoMoto).
I was born on a small island in the Caribbean named St. Vincent and the Grenadines, but I spent most of my “adult” life in the USA, primarily in New York City, until my family and I relocated to Colorado, then to the United Kingdom. As a young child, my mother would take me on summer vacations all over the Caribbean, which gave me a strong desire to travel. When I “grew up” and had my own family, I decided to keep up the same tradition.

I grew up on the quote that:
Travel is the only thing that you buy that makes you rich.
And it’s a quote that I stand by to this day.
It is a goal of mine to travel to every country in the world with my youngest, who also enjoys traveling, while sharing our journey with our followers and encouraging them to travel the world.

What I Can Offer
Partner with me to promote up-and-coming destinations as I increase awareness through my digital storytelling know-how. I can promote you across the AnnMarie John website, email list, and social media following.
Maximize the number of people who see your brand by using my more than 90,000 engaged social media followers, who are spread across many channels. Multiple brands have worked with us because of our strong monthly reach and data-driven results.
Make your content stand out by hiring me to create high-quality content to get your brand’s message across. Not only am I an experienced storyteller, but I am also knowledgeable in getting your content out there through both organic and paid marketing campaigns.
I am always looking for travel brands whose mission and values align with mine so that I can promote them during my world travels. To date, I’ve partnered up with a few of the best brands in the industry, collaborating on exciting partnerships.
Present your product to a fresh set of eyes as I create engaging yet honest reviews of your product, travel gear, apps, or website.

Ready To Work With Me?
Due to the number of requests I get, I’d like to let you know that I only have time for paid ads and collaborations. Although I would love to work with as many people as I can, I DO NOT WORK FOR FREE!
We also don’t work with the casino/gambling, tobacco (this includes vaping and e-cigs), CBD/cannabis, or adult industry, so please don’t ask!
I value my readers and have a commitment to only partnering with brands that fit my niche and company ethos. If you feel like this is you, you may contact me at hello@annmariejohn.com and either me or one of my VA’s will get back to you.