Get Kids into the Kitchen with American Girl Cookbooks

Looking for cookbooks for children? Look no further than American Girl cookbooks, created especially with kids in mind. Do you have a future chef on your hands? Does your child enjoy being in the kitchen, and you’re looking for simple recipes that you can whip up together? American Girl has a variety of cookbooks just waiting for you.

American Girl Cookbooks for Kids

I enjoy being in the kitchen; it’s something that I learned to do as a child. My mother taught me how to cook, and I would cook for my family to give my mom a break. She was an amazing cook, and I yearned for her cooking skills. Baking not so much, although she was a terrific baker. My daughter, Krissy, has got the baking genes and can whip up cookies, cakes, and everything sweet without batting an eyelid.

For the past few years, Madison has always insisted that she wants to be a chef, and she spelled it out very clearly to us that she’s not changing her mind. You can even see it on her first day of the 3rd-grade post we created when we made her a back to virtual school life tee. She’s been helping out in the kitchen and recently learned how to make scrambled eggs all by herself. What I can say is that we now have to keep eggs in stock because they disappear quite frequently, along with bread for her famous grilled cheese sandwiches.

American Girl Cookbooks for Kids.

We recently received a set of American Girl cookbooks, and she was extremely delighted. There are currently eight books available on American Girl’s website but you can also find them on Amazon. Around the World, Cupcakes, Breakfast & Brunch, Garden to Table, Cooking, Baking and their newest books, Parties and Summer Treats. Madison was especially excited to try out a few recipes in the Baking cookbook, as we don’t do too much baking on our end, but we’ll definitely be giving each book a trial run and testing out some new recipes.

American Girl Cookbooks

What Can You Find in Each Cookbook?

Each cookbook includes over 40 recipes that not only kids but adults would want to eat too. For our test run of the Baking cookbook, we decided to try out the creamy coconut macaroon recipe, and I have to say that it was a hit with everyone. Madison enjoyed mixing by hand and using our electric mixer (with supervision). She especially loved whipping the egg whites into stiff, peaked mountains, as we like to call it.

American Girl Cookbooks

What we especially loved about the cookbooks was how easy they were to read. Each recipe is explained in detail and comes with a photo, so you know what the end results should look like. It’s always been a pet peeve of mine when recipe books include tons of recipes but no photos, so you have no idea what your food should look like in the end. Each recipe is created with kids in mind, so minimal help is needed in the kitchen if your child is of an age where they are allowed to cook or bake.

With easy-to-follow instructions, you really can’t go wrong. The end results of our creamy coconut macaroons came out great, if I do say so myself, and while I would have shared the recipe with you, I encourage you to go out and buy the cookbook for yourself.

Cookbooks for kids

This is such a great way to get kids into the kitchen, and if you have a budding chef on your hands like I do, I recommend picking up a few or all of these cookbooks. We can’t wait to dive into the other cookbooks and start a cooking frenzy. We currently have plans to make some of the sweet treats that are in the Summer Treats cookbook. Bring on the summer!

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