6 Ways to Recycle your Christmas Tree

Every year I would buy a real tree that required lots of maintenance. At the end of the holidays I’m stuck with pine needles and having to dispose of my tree. This year we decided that we were going to get a fake tree and help with the environment. I’m sure that most of us procrastinate in taking down that Christmas tree after the holidays have passed. I know that I was certainly one of them. It either ends up in a dump, in the burn pile, or a lot of times, you find them in the median of the highway. The highway option still baffles me but either way, it’s a waste to a tree that still has many various uses! Here are 6 uses for that tree that you’re stuck with at the end of each year.

Fire wood! Even if you don’t have a use for fire wood, chances are a neighbor or someone in your circle could use it. Fire wood can cost a pretty penny and it adds up through the winter. There’s plenty of winter left after the holiday season ends providing plenty of time for you to get that tree out of your house and to someone who can use it for heat.

As funny as it sounds, Christmas trees are great for fish housing! This works for any type of fish. This also will enhance the fishing spot once fishing season comes up. Ask someone you know who fishes often and see if they know a good body of water to place your tree in. Odds are they will know the perfect spot.

Your tree will also work great for mulch! Especially for those plants that like to lie on the ground. Instead of straw, use the pine needles. They dry fast but decompose slowly leaving you mold free with a longer lasting mulch option. Pine needles also work great in compost and insulating perennials.

Wood carving. Ask around, someone would love to use that wood for their art. Wood art has become popular and we all know wood can get expensive. You might be surprised by the friends you know who might have that this skill.

A bird sanctuary is another great idea for your old Christmas tree! If you have woods near your home or even an area by your garden, you can fill the tree up with nests or bird houses and feeders. This will create a gorgeous and busy little bird sanctuary that will also add a neat decoration to any property.

Give it to a farmer, especially one that has goats. Goats are basically garbage disposals and they love to eat everything. I’m sure the farmer will love having something to keep them away from his windshield wipers for a while.

These are just a few ways you can continue to use that Christmas tree even after the holidays have ended.

Let’s discuss: Have you thought about what you’re going to do with your tree after Christmas? 

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