6 Tips for Setting Up Your Perfect Nursery

Madison Mommy here. I have been focusing a lot on Back to School since it’s right around the corner. However, I want to get back today with our usual Saturday tips. Today I want to give you some tips on setting up your perfect Nursery. Deciding how to decorate your baby’s nursery can be a ton of fun, but it can be very overwhelming as well. After all, one look on Pinterest or one walk down the baby aisles is all it takes to see that, when it comes to getting your nursery in order, you have plenty of choices. Now is not the time to stress out, however. Keep the process fun and stress-free with these six tips for getting your nursery in order.

1. Start Early – The last thing you want to do when getting your nursery in order is to wait until the last minute. Not only will starting early give you more options and more time to plan so you aren’t stressing out at the last minute, but it will also ensure that if your bundle of joy comes early, his room will be ready to go when he is. After all, 40 weeks is just a guess, not a guarantee!

2. Choose a Design That Will Grow With Your Child – As tempting as it is to choose the most precious baby designs for your nursery, opt for more flexible designs that will grow with your child. Make sure all of your big purchases are in gender neutral colors so you can use them for multiple children, and choose a basic design theme that will look great for years to come. You can always decorate for your child’s age in the smaller details.

3. Focus on the Essentials – Despite what the baby department aisles would lead you to believe, babies actually need very little for the first year or so of their life. Instead of worrying about all of the many gadgets and gizmos you could buy, start by focusing on the essentials. A crib, clothes, diapers, wipes, sheets, a dresser and bottles are must-haves for most women. Pretty much everything else is just extra.

4. Include Plenty of Storage – Even though babies don’t need much, chances are high that you will still have plenty of baby gear to keep track of. Make sure that you have room for all of the gear by incorporating plenty of storage into your design. Choose a changing table with shelves, use totes under the crib or in the closet, or choose a large dresser with plenty of room.

5. Get Creative – Skip the straight-out-of-the-magazine look and opt for a more personalized, unique and eco-friendly custom look instead by getting creative with your design choices. Frame artwork from your older children to decorate the walls. Create your own décor by upcycling random things you find around your home. Use an idle shelf, dresser, table or chair from another part of the house rather than buying a new one.

6. Keep Safety in Mind – Your nursery’s look and function will probably be your primary concern, but do not forget to consider safety as well. While it will be a few months until your baby begins crawling, you want the nursery to be safe for him/her when he/she does. Only use sturdy furniture that is not likely to topple, choose curtains or shades without strings to avoid a strangulation hazard, and avoid small pieces or parts, which can present a choking hazard. Your child’s nursery is one of the first things you will give him/her, and it is one of your first expressions of who you are as a mother and who he/she will be as a child. It is understandable, then, that you will want it to be absolutely perfect. Keeping in mind these six tips for getting your nursery in order will give you and your child a great start.

Did you stress over creating the perfect nursery for your babies? What tips helped you?

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