5 Ways to Show Love all Year Round

Sure Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and with that comes the desire to celebrate love in creative ways, but what about the other 364 days of the year? Today we wanted to give some insight on how you can show love all year round because love makes the world go round. Whether you are in a long term relationship, married or just starting out on the path to long term, these ideas will certainly leave your partner feeling deeply loved all the year through.

1. Public Displays of Affection – this doesn’t have to be over the top, look at us make out type of scenarios. Public displays of affection can simply be having your arm in your partners, holding hands or giving a small kiss on the cheek. There is something about walking while holding hands with your partner that keeps you united in everlasting love.

2. Be Financially Smart – regardless of who is in charge of ensuring you keep to the budget of the household, you can show love all year round by being financially smart. When thinking about making a large purchase, discuss that idea with your partner and always take their thoughts into consideration.

3. Household Chores – take up to helping more around the house, sweep the floor, vacuum the rooms, perhaps even clean the bathroom. When you take a moment to do some household chores that you otherwise wouldn’t touch, this helps spark up some love within the relationship, especially if you all have been together for years.

4. Speak Encouraging Words – be proud for things that your partner is proud about by expressing those feelings in words. Uplifting and encouraging words from a loved one can go a long way in showing love all year round. While honesty matters, when it comes to uplifting your partner, it’s all about using encouraging words on a regular basis.

5. Simple Surprises – last but not least, simple surprises can be a beautiful way to show love all year round. Perhaps a little love note on the bathroom mirror or a little gift trinket to show your love. Simple surprises make our hearts flutter and in turn help to spark up love all year round.

Even if you are the least romantic person in this world, you too can learn how to show love all year round with these 5 tips. Showing love doesn’t have to cost you a dime, it is all about the random acts of kindness and words you opt to use when speaking to your partner. Don’t let Valentine’s Day be the only time of year when you shower your partner with love, practice each of these 5 tips to show love all year round to keep that loving feeling alive.

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