I just love my wine, and just like milk, wine does my body good. Together with Cambria Wines I want to share some ways you can have me time, and how Cambria Wines can help you do that, and it all includes music.

Music and wine; they go hand-in-hand. Have you ever had a glass of wine sans music? It really isn’t the same. The past few months have been crazy in my household, with getting the kids ready for back to school, there really hasn’t been much time to dedicate to myself. Something that you should always think about. Whenever I do get a chance to myself, the first thing I always grab is a book and a glass of wine. I turn on some slow jams and just mellow out. Now I’ve never really thought of music and wine blending together so harmoniously until I listened to Cambria Wines: Notes of Cambria. Just take a moment and watch the videos below, and listen to how it all came together.
This 4-part video series shows how pairing wine and music elevates your senses. Cambria Wines challenged professional musician Kalei Yamanoha to create musical pieces that would capture the true essence and flavor of their Cambria’s Benchbreak Pinot Noir and the Cambria’s Benchbreak Chardonnay. Both wines are estate grown and bottled, high quality and immensely flavorful wines from California’s Santa Maria wine region.

I listened to the “Pinot Noir Waltz” and saw myself in a vineyard taking in the beautiful surroundings while swirling a glass of red Cambria’s Benchbreak Pinot Noir. The haunting music just takes you away to an entirely new place. One where you just want to take a break away from the world and immense yourself in peace and tranquility.

Listening to “Chardonnay Shanty” was an entirely different feeling altogether. The banjo playing made me want to kick up my heels and dance. It gave me a more energetic feel and begged me to invite friends and family over for a good time, while sipping on our crisp white Cambria’s Benchbreak Chardonnay wine.
These musical pairings are a great way to experience, learn, and talk about wine with friends and family, but on the occasions where you would prefer to be all alone, having a glass of Cambria Wine will only make your alone time more pleasurable. Here are 5 ways you can have the perfect me time!

1. Spa Day
When was the last time you went and just had a spa day all to yourself? Go out and get your hair done, get a manicure and pedicure, facial and just beautify yourself. Sometimes you just have to treat yourself, and you’ll feel amazing when you do. If you’re low on funds, then give yourself a manicure or pedicure and proceed with steps 2 – 5.
2. Bubble Bath
Lock your bathroom door, turn off your cell phone for an hour or two and pour yourself a warm bubble bath. Turn the music up and let the warm bubbles relax you while you get yourself some me time. Self-care is very important and wine just tastes better in the tub.
3. Read a Book
What’s your favorite genre? Now you don’t have to read a book while in the tub, but why not? Either way you’ll be relaxing with a book that will transport you to another world. Once again, don’t forget your glass of wine.
4. Music
Turn on some music. While I prefer listening to classical or jazz music, it’s whatever music you prefer. Remember this is about you. Music has a way of relaxing you. Maybe turn on some music from the 70’s or early 80’s that will bring back fond memories of yesteryears.
5. Glass of Wine
Throughout it all, don’t forget your glass of wine. Whether it’s the fruity flavors of a red wine or the crisp taste of white, find your favorite bottle of wine and sit back and relax. After all, it’s your time!
If you’re still looking for a bottle of wine that will transport your sensibilities, use the Cambria Wines Store Locator and pair a bottle with some music today.