We share some summer water safety tips with the help of SwimWays.
It’s sprimmer (the days between spring and summer) and most of our kids are out of school for the summer. With the weather heating up to almost 90 degrees, what better way to cool down than a day either at the beach or pool? For those who don’t live close to an actual beach, the community pool, your own home pool or even a water park is a great idea in the summer. It’s amazing how a little water can bring the heat down and it makes for a great family outing as well. However, as with all children, there should be rules and safety instructions in place. Two years ago I shared why your kids should take swim lessons, however today I want to share six (6) water safety tips for when you’re heading out to the pool or water park.
1. Always actively supervise your kids at all times when they’re in the water. Remember Murphys Law: anything that can go wrong will go wrong. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Put away the cell phones, social media can wait, give your kids your undivided attention.
2. Enroll your child in swim lessons. Swimming is not only fun, the lessons teaches also teaches your child about water safety. You can find low cost or even free lessons at your local YMCA or Parks and Recreation Department.
3. Never leave your child unattended or to swim alone. Always use the buddy system. That way in the event of an emergency, there will always be someone there to get help, and always swim in lifeguard designated areas.
4. Let your children know the rules of the pool and enforce those safety rules in place, such as ‘no running’, no diving’ etc.
5. Never swim near drain gates or suction outlets. Drains and suction outlets can become an entrapment or entanglement for your child’s limbs, bathing suits or even hair, which can get stuck in these openings.
6. Learn CPR. Learning and knowing how to perform CPR can save a drowning victims life. CPR classes are usually available through community centers, hospitals or through the American Red Cross. Once you’re CPR certified, make sure that you keep it current.
Now while it is important to teach your children how to swim and develop a love for the water, there are products that can help improve their swimming skills. SwimWays has been in the business for many years helping to make our children feel more confident in the water with products that we love, and best of all they come in Swim Steps. From the beginner learner to the more advanced. For example Madison just LOVES her Power Swimr which is a Swim Step 3 product, because it gives her the confidence knowing that she’ll say afloat and she gets to swim at her own pace. The Power Swimr is the training wheels for pools and comes with adjustable cords and support a support strap for a snug fit. There are also 9 removable floats that can be removed to adjust to her swimming ability.
The Swim Step Two products provides support to those children learning to balance and paddle. You can get Swim Step Two products as the the Swim Sweater or the Swim Vest. Each product gives children the tools the need to feel empowered in the water.
SwimWays is a leader in helping children learn to swim and promoting water safety as evidenced by the 6th annual National Learn to Swim Day that took place on May 20, 2017. For more information on SwimWays and to learn why you should teach your child to swim and love the water, check out this informational video.
You can find SwimWays products at Toys”R”Us in-store and online.