Today I’m sharing ways you can show love for your planet earth in collaboration with prAna.
We love our children and we know that we’ll love our children’s children, but what are we leaving behind for them when it comes to our planet? Why don’t we love our planet earth as much as we love our newest cell phone, or that designer handbag or shoe we just purchased? We just celebrated Earth Day, but I think that Earth Day should be celebrated everyday. After all planet earth is our home and shouldn’t we love and take care of it as much as we do the home we live in? I want today to share a few ways you can show love for your planet earth. They’re not as difficult as you think they are.

Say no to paper and plastic and purchase items that you can reuse such as reusable grocery bags whenever you go shopping. Purchase a refillable coffee mug that you can use at your favorite coffee shop instead of their paper or styrofoam cups. Purchase refillable water bottles that you can also refill with your filtered water that you fill at home. Not only is it economical but it’s also environmentally friendly. Avoid products that you can only use once. The less waste you have, the better it will be for planet earth.
If your state participates in a recycling program, enroll. You can recycle items made from paper, plastic, metal and even glass. These can be recycled to make new products and help lessen the accumulation of our landfills. Donate unwanted clothing, household items and even toys that are still in good condition to those in need instead of just throwing them away.
Save Water
There are lots of ways to save on water, not only will you be conserving water, but you’ll also be minimizing your water bill as well. Consider fixing leaky faucets, turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth and take shorter showers instead of long baths. Installing a low flow shower head will also help. You may also consider a xeriscape landscape instead of a full lawn. Some cities even give incentives for you having a xeriscape landscape.
Save Energy
Just as saving water, you can save energy in numerous ways. Consider turning off the lights when you don’t need them. Purchasing compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs use less energy than full-sized fluorescents. They may cost more at first, but end up saving you more in the long run. Turn the radio, television and computer off when they’re not in use. In the summer, consider opening the windows and leaving the A/C off, you can also stay cool by wearing less. In the winter wear more and only turn on the heater as needed. You may even consider solar panels if you’re a home owner.
Purchase sustainable clothing
I recently shared WHY you should buy sustainable fashion which goes into detail what sustainable fashion is all about. prAna offers sustainable, recycled, fair trade certified items. Not only that, but prAna prioritizes to giving back to communities around the world. Not only do their clothing fit great and are comfortable, but they are also versatile enough for any lifestyle and any adventure. They’re comfortable enough to go from work to an adventure later. Their clothing also supports fair trade and sustainable practices. Just another way to help with our planet earth.
Check out this video on why organic cotton matters which most of their clothing is made from.
Planet Earth is all that we have and we have to take care of it, not just for ourselves but for our children and grandchildren. It’s their legacy and one that we need to protect. So let’s show our love for our planet earth today!
Where you can purchase prAna
prAna clothing is available to purchase online at and in some retail locations in cities and stores like REI. To find prAna in your area, visit: for the full list of locations.
For all AnnMarie John readers use code MHMS17AJ and receive 15% off your purchases until May 19.
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